Dru's Balloon


Aunt Vickie was the type of woman who played country music for her chickens at night so they wouldn’t feel lonely.

She was a vivacious woman. Colorful, creative, honest, kind, thoughtful, and generous. She would always do what she could to help those in need. She was my Significant Other’s Aunt—his Mother’s sister and best friend. She passed away unexpectedly last September. On a cloudy, blistery spring day in late March, her family held an ashes spreading ceremony in the field near her house to celebrate her life. Family and friends came from around the country to pay their respects to her dear, sweet husband, to be together, and to honor her beautiful memories. Each person took a balloon, and a sharpie was passed around so we could write messages to Vickie.

Photo Credit: Chelsey Mcelveen

Her 10-year-old great nephew Dru wrote, “Love Dru” and then drew a heart 💓on his red balloon for Vicki. Each person held their balloon up to sky. We counted to three and released the balloons all at once. They floated up, up, up high in the sky and away into the clouds. We watched them float away and thought of Vicki. 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈

Photo Credit: Chelsey Mcelveen
The next day we visited my Significant Other’s Brother, his partner, and kids’ house in the woods. It was a warmer day, and the kids were running around outside, entertaining themselves and our little girl. The leaves were not yet budding out on the trees. Way off in the distance the kids spotted a red balloon caught in a tree, not too high up. Dru ran to get it and raced back to us in a flurry of excitement. Written on the red balloon, in his handwriting, were the words “Love Dru” and a heart 💓drawn with a sharpie.

Out of breath he exclaimed, “It’s my balloon! It came back! It came back! It’s my balloon! Can you believe it!?” We all clamored in amazement, “What?! Wow! Really?! Wow! It’s really yours!! I can’t believe it!! Amazing!! Wow! Holy Moly!!”
Their house is about 3 miles away from where we released the balloons to Vicki. There were over 50 balloons released. His was the only one around. I’m still in total awe of the remarkable coincidence and of the miraculous way the universe works. I dare say he’ll keep that balloon forever.



Photo taken with my iphone 5
First Photo Credit: Chelsey Mcelveen
PS. He doesn't know it yet, but anything earned by this post is being sent to Dru. 💓

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