The Day I Got THE CALL

I wanted to write this post yesterday, but I decided to spend my time reflecting and reliving the day instead. The 1st of July is my favourite day. On this day I got THE CALL. Not your average “how are you doing” call, oh no! This call, well this call made me a MOM!

Some babies come via "the stork", our child, he became ours through one simple phone call. Just over three years ago, I became a mom - finally! Being a mother was my dream, I had no other. So, when I found out I have unexplained infertility I really felt like I had been short-changed! I was wrong though, life isn't that harsh, it was merely nudging me in the right direction. 

When my husband and I made the decision to adopt, it felt right! We were MADE for adoption, without ever realizing it until the point where it was one of our only options. So, we filled in all the correct paper work, sought counsel from a social worker and applied for our name to be put on the RECAP list (Register on Adoptable Children and Prospective Adoptive Parents). 

And then, we waited.

Our application to adopt went through in April 2015. If I thought the 5 years we took to try and conceive was long, I was about to receive a wakeup call. Just imagine this scenario:

You know that you are going to become a parent. You don't know whether it will be within the next week, or perhaps it will take year (or more)!
You know that you need to prepare for a new baby. You don't know the age of the child, the size of the child or the gender.
You know that there is a child out there waiting for you. You don't know how long he or she has been waiting and what his or her physically and emotional needs are. 
You know that you will get THE CALL. You have no clue whatsoever when that will be, not one hint.

The wait is tormenting. If my cell phone was about to die and I had no means to charge it, I would literally go into panic mode. What if I missed the most important call of my life? My mobile became my best friend. There were times when I would stare at it, willing it to just damn well ring, let it be her, let it be the social worker phoning to congratulate me! I constantly felt anxious, no matter the advice given to me to "just relax" - YOU RELAX!

And then it came...


On the 1st of July 2015 (a Wednesday morning), at 10:15 am - I BECAME A MOM. I was driving home from a meeting, I had my best friend (cell phone) seated safely on the passenger seat. It rang. The name of our social worker appeared. I knew. 

The wait, the anxiety, the doubt, the roller coaster of was all worth it. We were very lucky, we only waited 2 months before being matched with a beautiful baby boy. He was and is perfect in every way. I would've waited even longer if I had to...I would do anything for him!


Although we met our son almost three and a half years ago today, I can remember the days that lead up to us holding him for the first time so vividly! We met him and took him home 7 days after we received our life-changing call. We rushed to prepare his nursery, shopped for clothes and baby paraphernalia, announced to the world that we were going to be parents, not in 9 months, in 7 days!

The moment we laid eyes upon our boy is explainable. We were in awe, we felt privileged. We were blessed. 

This picture says it all:

{The moment we met our son}

Much love - @sweetpea

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