Roll that shit, light that shit, smoke that shit!

As a proud daily Cannabis user I am glad that more and more countries are beginning to legalize the herb.

Did you know that the US was the first country who made weed illegal? The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was the first federal U.S. law to criminalize marijuana nationwide.

Before that doctors were prescribing Cannabis as a medicine for various number of diseases, including pain, stress, insomnia and others. Since then there have been so many lies from mass media, doctors, politicians, teachers, etc. about negative effects of “marijuana”. Do you know why? All because of MONEY!

Pharmaceutical companies were afraid that people could use the advantages of weed for healing purposes and wouldn't need as much of their manufactured drugs, so they pulled some strings in the US government and the Marijuana Act was born. But it didn't happen only because of pharma companies, clothing companies and plastic manufactures also contributed to the criminalization of Cannabis back in the days. The herb was a threat to all these companies, because hemp (other word for Cannabis) is for example much better than cotton – you need less of everything (water, care, area) for growing hemp than cotton. Cannabis is a wild plant, you can just throw some seeds on the meadow and it will grow by itself, you can grow it at home (I do ;) ) and it is really easy. 

Cannabis is one of the most effective renewable natural resource on the Earth. 

Anyway, the reason why I am writing this post is because I'm upset that for example in the Czech Republic the weed is still illegal. There have been cases of people going to jail for just couple of joints. What the heck?! It is a plant! Weed! Green! Czech Republic was one of the major producers of hemp in Europe before it was criminalized. It has been on this planet sooner that the civilization itself and it is so silly that our governments manipulated with people and made this miraculous herb illegal for nearly one hundred years.

I also just read one major Czech website dedicated to drugs and I found there that Marijuana is much worse than alcohol and tobbaco. What the heck?! There are still so many lies about Cannabis, but I think it's time for people to wake up, open their eyes and start smoking that shit!   

Just one thing: USE it, don't ABUSE it.

What is your opinion on Cannabis? Are you a Cannabis user or are you against it? Share it in comments.


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