Consumerism = Buying things that you don't need

Have you ever wondered why some things are cheaper than other even though they are the same quality? Why does NIKE t-shirt costs twice as much as same color, same size, same material t-shirt without the “check” sign? Why people keep buying Coca Cola even though it's just pure sugar? Why people buy bottled water when they have pure, drinkable tap water at home (most of the homes have drinkable tap water)?

One thing about bottled water, if you buy this one bottle of pure water instead of using your tap water, you are also buying a piece of plastic, which will most likely end up floating in the ocean and polluting our environment. 

Some time ago, I came across a video with my favorite actor Woody Harrelson about consumerism and I felt really empathically about it. I consider myself non-consumer as I don't have/watch TV, don't watch commercials, I buy only stuff that I really need, I re-use plastic bottles and bags as many times as I can. I also don't buy new clothes unless I need one, I currently have jeans with unintentional holes in them, but I live on a tropical island and jeans with holes make me look COOL :D

Buying new things is a choice, if you do, you are just contributing to the growth of large corporations which are enslaving people and children in factories with terrible conditions for almost no reward. If you need to buy something, just don't buy the most popular, expensive brands, focus on local manufacturers instead.

Wake up people! Watch this video, watch other videos on this topic, do your research and educate yourself!

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