Almost all of us like drinking sweet stuff, but do you know what it causes inside our bodies?


When a famous health writer Wade Meredith researched on soft drinks he found something exciting about those drinks.

Here are some important facts that you will find interesting about a can of soft drink that you glug in almost every day.


When you drink 350 ml of soft drinks, the sugar contained in it (which is equivalent to about 10 teaspoons), gets converges to your body.

(Meaning that the amount of sugar you should have in 1 or 2 days, you take that much sugar in a drink, in just 10 minutes).

And when you take sugar in this quantity, you feel uneasy, nervous and have vomiting as well.

But after drinking soft drinks, you do not have to vomit!!!
Wondering why ????

I know, you will ask, Why we don't have vomiting if there is so much sugar, present in a can of soft drink.
Okay!!! Here's the reason....

  1. That's because of "Phosphoric Acid" that is mixed in soft drinks to stop this problem.
  2. This acid helps in preventing the vomiting and the sweetness in soft drinks also seem less.


Does not believe this fact?? Read the detailed analysis below.

  • After 20 minutes of drinking a soft drink, blood sugar increases rapidly in your body, as well as the effect of insulin is very fast. Which your liver cannot control and drop so much sugar your body fat. By which your body fat starts growing and you think that this is because of eating a lot.

  • You probably not knowing that the amount of caffeine in the soft drink is very high and our body absorbs this caffeine, 40 minutes after drinking soft drinks (this is really an eye-opener).

  • This increases your blood pressure and your liver starts to drop more sugar in your body to control it as well as the amount of "Dopamine Gland Chemicals" grow rapidly (Dopamine Gland's job is to control the brain’s pleasure center, in simple words, to keep you happy).

  • When the amount of Dopamine starts increasing, you feel happy.

And for your information, let me tell you, people who take drugs like heroin, smack, they work the same way.

  • And when you have soft drinks, "Phosphoric Acid" starts working after 1 hour in your body, which contains minerals like calcium, magnesium & zinc, they send them into the small intestine. From this, you are forced to Urinate.

  • In this way, the water that goes in your body, by means of soft drinks, it drains out and the essential minerals present in the body also goes out.

  • Apart from this, due to caffeine and phosphoric acid present in a cold drink, minerals like magnesium & calcium or zinc become unable to reach bones, resulting in weakening your bones and teeth.

  • So what you drink to remove your thirst, actually, grows your thirst.

  • The cold drinks are not only drying the water present in your body but drying the water on the earth as well. (Research conducted by a company revealed that to make 1 ltr of soft drink, there is a consumption of 100 liters of water).

  • And this is the reason why people have the chronic diseases like Cancer, heart attack, breast cancer, diabetes, fat, fatty liver and many more. The disease is a victim of sickness.


  • And the funniest thing is, soft drinks are mostly used by educated people. They know what is carbonate water and what is PH value.

Hence, next time when you are going to have a cold drink, I am sure you will be having these points in your mind.
So always have sugar free and caffeine free drinks & avoid using harmful things.

Stay healthy because your health is in your own hands.



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