If you're scared (hesitant) in making a choice or regret certain choices in your past, here's a tip:

When you look back at your life and you look at where you are now, you are right where you need to be. Whatever circumstances you were in is where you needed to be.
Whether it means you had to get in a previous negative relationship before you're in the one you are now ( or about to get married), or you had to go through an event before you reached your current present state.

Whatever choices you have made in your life, led you up to where you are now. The choices lead to experiences and the experiences are the 'lessons' in life.

Remember, the circumstances aren't necessarily GOOD or BAD. They just are. When you realize that Creator       (for simplicity of including all beliefs) is much bigger than our day to day lives and activities and how we feel and our pains and tortures etc; when you understand that there is a dance between the positive and negative polarities ( NOT A WAR LIKE THEY KEEP TELLING YOU) (yin- yang, good-bad, etc.) you realize the true meaning of 'it is what it is'.

Think about what I just said and sit with it.

Every choice you've made in the past was the right choice. And by right I don't mean the status quo definition of'good' and 'bad' but more so 'it is what it is because I AM ( the state of being..remember "Fear not and know that I am God."? )'.

When you really trust in God, The Universe, whatever deity you believe in you realize all the choices you've made led you up to where you are now as if it all was pre-ordained. The potentiality of our choices are not mistakes. They are stepping stones for us to get to where we need to be. Therefore, every choice you make in a heart centered, CONSCIOUS, and aware mental state can't be 'wrong'. It just is. So trust yourself that the choices you make for your path and your future is the right one. Because it is. And you will it into existence.

Have a great day :] !

Astro talk:

If you have your north node in the 8th house ( in Scorpio too ) this very much applies because a big lesson of that nodal placement is having the ability to feel emotionally secure within yourself. Once you're able to reach that mental state and stay there, the 2nd house opposite will open up the the wealth and resources will come through. But you must TRUST IN YOURSELF and in others. 

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