Problems With Being Unorganized - Make Your Messy Life A Bit Easier !!

Hi Steemit Friends,

Are you this kind of person….
My Room: Messy
My Thoughts: Messy
My Life: Messy


If anything above defines you then this post is for you.

Why Bother ?

It is hard to juggle through life with all the things that needs to be done with priorities, responsibilities and expectations. We do all these things to elevate the quality of our lives. So, why is organizing important ? Well it will make your journey smoother with less bumps and plan changings so you can achieve your goals.

5 Benefit Of Getting Organized !

Benefit: 1. Gives You More Time

Wouldn’t it be great to have another extra hour a day to do whatever you want ? Have you ever had a never-ending searching for stuff like finding your phone, don’t know where you put your car keys, forgetting to bring stuff you need to work, or forgetting you have an appointment or even a flight. This can go on and on with all the things that most of you have experienced and this don’t even count the time you spend worrying about losing and can’t finding things. Getting organized to free you from these unnecessariness with more time in life. Like in my case, Sleep !!! My favorite ><

Benefit: 2. More Money In The Piggy

It saves a lot once you put your life in order. One big thing of being unorganized is that things get lost or ruined all the time. Phones, Books, Jewelries ,cash, sunglasses and phone chargers mysteriously disappears. Buying new ones can add up to a good amount of cash. Cash where you could spend on new things instead of wasting it on stuff you already had.

Benefit 3: Staying Socialized

Being in order helps you with connecting to others more so. When life is a mess, it’s easy to get wrapped up and worry that there’s no space left for friends. It can create serious stress on a friendship if you for got that you were supposed to meet up with a friend and instead you went and did other things. It can cause conflicts with people around you. But when you are all putted together, there’s more energy and time for people who matters to you.

Benefit 4: Independency

When you are organized, people surrounding trust you like parents or your boss will acknowledge the fact that you know how to make a good and right decisions more so. Trust will be earned more when you do what you say you’ll do. When you know how to manage your schedule you will end up with more independency.

Benefit 5: Chill

When you know how to deal with avoiding and these stress that may drained on you, you head can relax for a change and have time to rejuvenated. When you are constantly surrounded by panic attacks of your own there’s no chance to rest then how can you make time for yourself and what your body and mind needs.

Let me just say that I used to be a very disorganized person and going through all the little troubles I had renovate by being more organized. As from above it’s a big life changer to be more arranged. I thought I was artistic that I was messy but it’s just an excuse for things to be all over the place. I am not saying that you should be sooooo organized that it drives other people crazy with your arrangements and so putted together schedules. In Good proportion will be valuable to anyone’s life.

Thank You For UpVoting and All Your Lovely Comments

Much Love,Suzana

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