POWER UP !! Not Only With Steem, But Mentally & Spiritually !! 🔮🙏🏻


Hi, Steemit Friends,

Do you feel like you are constantly filled with things to do with no time to relax?. You keep forcing yourself to fulfill your tasks and convince yourself that this is what you are meant to do. You start asking yourself when will I finally be happy? Am I Doing the right things? Are these the things that I should be doing but then there’s constantly other things on my to-do list? Do you continuously have worries and overwhelming thoughts?

….Me Too !!!

Sometimes we need to trim out the mental work we create for ourselves, stuff that fills the day and seems like it just keeps going around in circles. As Steemian, we urge to contentiously grow non-stop like how Steem and other cryptocurrency has been. We should make it if not more so, as important to elevate our inner growth as powering it up here on steemit ;). Here are some of the first and little steps I recognized and allocated for you guys.

Recognized It and Leave It There

In Buddhist there’s this method. You should be able to take this “Thing” out of the equation and realizing that “It” is optional. Be with the “Now”, Not constantly haunting yourself with what may come or the “Future”. As you begin to accept and acknowledge that this feeling is just an effect of this moment and not onwards, you will create more desire to trim away those thoughts that aren’t relevant. Remember that It is always optioning to keep remaining yourself to put it down and whatever it is it does not define nor control your life.

Be Beyond

As people we tend to fill our to-do list because we think we’ll feel better if we do more. Sometimes I feel like I push myself that i can do everything right on that second. What I don’t realized with this mindset is,It will become me every day and eventually turns to my lifestyle. I won’t have the room to be and my brain is constantly on a treadmill. Some people might think that it’s nothing wrong but being such does. It is living life unconsciously. Accomplish at some level, yes! but it leads to a stage of non-reflective thinking and not benefiting oneself nor one’s productivity. By checking and looking back and forth so much, A person won’t leave room for that inner voice of deeper wisdom. As a result, I started telling myself that I am more than these shits I have to do.

The Power Of Being Thankful


Having gratitude and joy is such an important part. As we filled ourselves with so much to do, we lose sight of how great our life is. There must be great thoughts before the mind can become great and the mind must become great before great result can be secured. When we are thankful, Our mind goes blank and we take that time to reflect on life. That is when we, mentally and spiritually are the strongest. It creates asperation for us to furtherly walk down and continue our paths. What is found in the with-in, will be expressed on the with-out.

It is extremely hard as a person to not agonizing over the past and worrying about the future. If our soul is crying for love and encouragement, It’s our duty to take a deep breath and find that space of compassion because we only live once.

I hope You enjoy this post guys !!!

I always deeply appreciate your comments, upvotes and share.

Much Love, Suzana <3

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