The Stream -- The Wheel [vol. 2]

DISCLAIMER:: This post is part of an ongoing stream of consciousness series. While each part can be enjoyed as a standalone piece, they will be best experienced when read in order. If you'd like to read from the beginning, the first part can be found here.

the stream-- cogs.pngsrc

* The Wheel *

A common theme,
a thread,
a seam.
It seems, dreams
a shake,
astir, a blur, a slur, the cur..

Which version do you prefer?

ride on, wild coyote,
claim your inner beast,
and inner further
to calm your inner peace..

A simile,
I suppose..
like a metaphor for prose.

Strong like lightning,
quick like a sparrow,
discordant as fighting,
and as wide as narrow..

An arrow
through the heart
of those who believed...
who perceived that this life
was anything else.

and bleeding.

is better than not,
or rather, Death is.
For it becomes
the yardstick
to gauge it's opposite...

A Stark Contrast,
like black on white,
up from down,
day to night..
Wrong or Right?

life death.jpg

This is Part Two of a stream of consciousness writing series. Part One can be found here and Part Three can be found here. Comments, critiques, opinions are welcome in the comments... I hope you are looking forward to the continuation of this series.

Until Then...

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