30 Day Challenge ~~ DAY NINE!

Heading into the second weekend of My Thirty Day Challenge and I feel fine.. DAY NINE!

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30 Day Challenge!


I think we might be finally hitting a bit of a stride with some of the tenets for my path to getting better. Writing has been going well, and I feel mostly proud of what I've have been producing lately. I am flawless on the coffee front, but losing the battle for sleep and exercise. So, time to laser focus on these areas in the week ahead.

Day Nine saw me waking up earlier than I have been all week, which is great.. but I work earlier on the weekends as well, so that is probably why. Also, I was a mindless zombie as I ambled around the house getting dressed and organized as I waited for the caffeine to kick in. This is a clear indication that my sleep cycle is in shambles, but we already knew that.

I didn't wake up with enough time to get out and exercise, but I also didn't snooze the alarm to wait til the last minute to pop out of bed, so... progress?

I've been thinking about starting a new campaign under this challenge, based off of the suggestions I have been getting in the comments. I want to undertake a "SAVE THE SLEEP" campaign, which would be an all-in effort to set up and fiercely protect a sleep schedule at all costs.

This is the area that has proven the be the toughest to tackle at the moment, so I'll need to shore up energy to wage war on this battlefront. Invariable, this may or may not mean slackening the attacks on some of the smaller struggles, like diet, or exercise, for now to keep the necessary willpower in reserve when the inevitable push back comes during the twilight hours.

Perhaps it would help to come up with effective slogans for this campaign that I could jot down on bedside post-it notes, or recite aloud to rally my forces when the Resistance rears it's incessant head.... If you have any good ideas or one-liners for getting to or out of bed, I'd love to hear in the comments. Thanks for your continued support!


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