Life: The Most Immersive Video Game

If you don't realize a video game is a video game, you're going to demonize and avoid any challenges, forces of resistance and antagonistic characters that oppose you.

But if you realize it's a game, you see these forces of resistance as crucial to the experience of the video game. You need challenges to learn and grow.

Challenges make the game exciting and worthwhile. If it were too easy, what's the point of playing it? It would get boring after five minutes. The best video games challenge you to the very best of your abilities, and expand your abilities.

The same goes for life. Without challenges and resistance, there’s no learning and growth. It wouldn't be fulfilling or worthwhile.

If you vehemently hate the "bosses" that challenge you in a video game, you're taking the game too seriously.

Embrace the resistance and give it your best effort, all the while keeping a sense of lightheartedness. And when the game is over, we'll laugh and say, "Wow, what an experience."

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