7 stupid things some guys do at the gym to impress hot Ladies


** Picture a hot lady in tight yoga pants walking down the street. You can imagine guys turning their heads to see. You can envisage cars crashing and some guys hitting poles. Now... Imagine what it'd be like in a gym where majority of the visitors and members are guys. What could possibly go wrong?? Anything. From falling off the wheel to dropping weights on oneself but the height of it is some guys doing stupid shtts to impress the said hot lady. Here are some of the stupid things they do : **

  • **Lifting weights with ego. **

Yeah, so many guys want to macho up when they see a girl walk into the gym. To get her attention and have her think he's one of the best there. Some annoying guys move quick to weights heavier than themselves and start lifting all in a bit to impress this girl totally oblivious that their little brained ego filled display of needless man power can lead to torn muscles and ligaments... Or maybe even getting crushed. This is a very very foolish thing to do but most guys do it anyway.

  • Yabbing other guys

Again.. In a bid to appear like the macho man and alpha some guys start to make jabs at other guys who carry less heavier weights than them. They sometimes yell at their partner to up his game and do it better. So maybe the girl could notice him.

Ps. Yabbing is another word for "throwing jabs" in Nigerian pidgin english.

  • Doing Cardio a lot faster.

This reminds me of a brother of mine who was jogging early in the morning. He recently just started his jogging routine but he later noticed a lady he liked runs every morning on the next road. He'd time her and jog along side her to her tags and back home all in a bid to show he was though. Now this lady was a seasoned jogger already..... My brother tried his best to keep up everyday but in the end... He spent days in bed nursing aches. When a hot lady walks into a gym... Some stupid guys skip on the rope faster, or do their jumps and squats faster... Wasting energy and gaining less from the session. All they have to show for it is Exhaustion..

  • Exercising the eyes instead of working

Some guys just get distracted and lose focus. They might as well drop the dumbbell on their foot just because a pretty lady walked in. Some forget they're on the wheel and pause for a moment then get run over. Inabilty to keep focus is the cause of this. This could lead to injuries and less effective workout sessions if in case the said hot lady comes around daily.

  • Puffing muscles at every chance

Some buff guys just walk over to other guys who are not buff enough just to show whos's got more pound of muscles on the body.** "Hey, Im the big guy here".** They even Try to outdo other guys busy minding their own sessions. This is just plain stupid.

  • Working out close to her

This one is most common. They find the nearest equipment close to the lady even if its not in their routine for that day and start puffing and huffing away. Now this can be counterproductive for that day and might even lead to stressed muscles and wears.

  • Working out longer than usual.

Take for instance a guy works out for 3 hours on a daily then this lady walks in in beautiful fitting yoga pants in the third hour but she's probably going to spend 3 hours too. Our guy comes up with a perfect plan. "Work out till she's done so she'll feel you" ...oh wait . It's a stupid plan. Many guys keep on puffing to display tenacity and doggedness even at their peril.

It's funny how the male senses sometimes lock up when a female arrives. I guess its just one of those powers women wield but however some guys should stop doing some stupid things all in the name of impressing a lady especially those aforementioned points. Its a no no no. In the long run, you'll tire yourself out and lose.

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