How Science Has Consciousness All Wrong


To be honest, I'm a skimmer. Of headlines. Of articles. Of coffee (can't stand the froth in a latte or ma' green juice for that matter because bleck).

I ran across a headline that read:

Fresh Ideas for Chasing Consciousness

Usually I bite when I see anything related to consciousness/spirituality/synchronicity. This time, with this headline, not so much. Because anyone acquainted with consciousness knows it can't be chased.

The logical side of me decided I should at least read the article, you know, to actually be informed before I start spewing non-sense. And it was just as I suspected it would be, coming from a scientific perspective. They suggest that we need to "decode" consciousness.

And just as a Scientist would roll their eyes at a Hippie like me, I kinda just rolled my eyes. It comes down to this: Is seeing believing, or is believing seeing?


Consciousness itself is like a magnet. The more you chase it, the more you repel it. Like attacks like. It's a law.

So how do we reach higher levels of consciousness without chasing it? How do we become more like higher levels of consciousness so we can attract it? Ahhh, the true question of life. It leads us down a rabbit hole, really. Who am I? What's my purpose? Where do I come from and where do I go when my body dies? And even further down the rabbit hole, "Do I even exist at all?"

That rabbit hole has no end. We could literally spend our entire lives chasing consciousness.

Sure science has a purpose: research, building, inventing. Maybe their approach to contacting extraterrestrials will lead to the answers they are looking for, but chances are extraterrestrials are searching for it, too, leading to more chasing.


Let me let you in on a little secret on how to chase consciousness:

You don't. You become it.

So then that begs the question, "How do I become it?" And the answer is so simple and lacking in technology it has been right under our noses this whole time.

Meditation. It starts with getting still.

In my meditation practice I've reached a place where thoughts subside, I can distinguish between my thinking mind and the part of me that just is, and I can feel my light-body apart from my physical body.

And somewhere amidst all the parts of me, between/inside of/outside of every molecule, unit of energy, thought and emotion...consciousness lies. You can't chase it. It just is. While science can try to prove it, you won't need any other proof than to just become it and embody it.

If you chase it, it will be like trying to get a piece of egg shell out of raw egg. You can't quite put your finger on it.

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Stehlla (Lacey)

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