My Life Hack for 2022

Hi everyone,

I started to enjoy reading, and to spend time with myself looking backward in time, and learning from it for the future.

I know, everyone is setting goals for the New Year, and I will do it as well. Still, something else to focus now...

Why do we set goals?

Everyone might have it's own answers, and there's no good or bad answer to this question.

My main focus for 2022 is to discover what makes me a happy person, and to increase the quality of my life. My goals for the new year will be in this direction, and I started already to brainstorm on several points:

I tend to be workaholic, but often I focus on the wrong things.

I feel young, and so far I did not had any serious health issue, but I know this will not last long without me taking care of myself.

I have a tendency to build relations around toxic people, and suffer emotionally out of my own misery.

This post has no solution, but hopefully triggers many of you to focus on your own important things.

Wish you a successful New Year!

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