Key Changes To Employ In Eradicating Life Limitations


It’s alright to be in your comfort zone, we all want to be in the safest place, OUR ZONE. A place where you dwell without limitations or boundaries, you are so used to that routine and its requirement that you achieve optimum bliss from within. However, do you know that staying there for long could result in you feeling caged and living your life in a box? By nature we all are wild creatures by default so why follow that path of limiting yourself.

Back in the days, having malaria parasites was a death sentence with a 0% chance of survival which led to the death of many individuals and missionaries who came to Africa. This was because Malaria and Tuberculosis were terminal illnesses as at that time without any concrete cure. After decades of medical breakthrough, malaria became easily treatable with drugs and became close to extinction in some countries in Africa.

The point is, people that died in those times died as a result of some sort of limitation in thinking by researchers then and their inability to think out of the box towards cracking an antidote/cure required in treating those illnesses.

To be informed means to be transformed likewise being uninformed means to be deformed.

Below are some ways and lifestyle changes that could help reduce the possibility of living a life filled with limitations and restrictions which in turn could stall your growth process.

Induce your thoughts with the right belief

This involves living your life with the right belief and not channeling your thoughts based on the limitations and thinkings of other people. Doing so might mean you sabotaging and creating unnecessary restrictions to your stream of thoughts. You should be aware that what you have and have achieved now could be a factor of your self-imposed limitations, meaning you have the potentials to achieve even greater things than you thought you could. All you need is the right mind frame and thoughts to further tap into your hidden potentials.


Take action no matter how little

This involves you not only coming up with the right idea to leave them dormant in your reservoir of ideas but putting in efforts towards implementing and achieving results, we never know what we are capable of until we try which is the reason why you should never allow other people define or determine you.

Always update yourself

We are in the 21st century, the internet era where the world is connected and linked without boundaries. There is no reason for you to be stagnant and outdated as you have unlimited access to enormous resources. According to Socrates, there shouldn't be a limit to what you can become with the right self-perception and right information.

What you don't know can kill you

Select your friends wisely

The company you keep is very critical and can be a determinant of where you will be in the future. In five years from now, what you will become would be dependent on 2 major factors, the books you've read and the friends you keep.

Final Words

Take a few minutes, reflect on how your life has been, identify the limitations within and break free from the cocoon by destroying the limited thinking, the timidity, take risks and brave steps then finally, chisel your ignorance into oblivion.

Nurture that limitless belief, because at the end you are what you believe.

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