Self-Discipline And Abstinence


Ever had a fast food craving? (I’m talking to you all of my Mcdeez lovers)
How do you usually respond to your craving?
Do you give in immediately to your desire, or do you wait it out until it eventually (hopefully) diminishes and goes away?

Your conscious mind is a slave to your unconscious

The more you think and behave a certain way, the more you condition your unconscious mind to remember all that info, and pull it out whenever he feels like a situation resembles what you’ve experienced before. Hence why, if you constantly give in to your immediate desires, no matter what they are, your mind will remember it and before you know it, you’ll become a slave to them.

One amazing thing about cravings, is that with enough practice and persistence, you can learn to be the boss of them. But like anything, it requires a certain sacrifice on your part. In that sense, you sacrifice a temporary pleasure at the exchange of a long-term gain.

Sure, short term gratification is fun and all (I mean, who wouldn’t like to stuff their faces with their fave chocolate cake?), but besides the short-lived excitement that it brings, it doesn’t bring you anything of meaningful value, does it? In fact, these desires solely give a signal to your brain that "what just happened was great af, and I want it to happen again soon. " Without sufficient self-awareness, this could set the stage to a form of addiction.


Self-discipline is like the quiet voice that catches your attention a nanosecond before you give in to your urge and tells you "Are you really sure you want to do this"? Say "fuck it" to him often enough, and he’ll likely say "fuck you back" and as a result make you gain 20 pounds. (my metaphors are extreme, I know;)) Listen to him more than you tell him to fuck off, and he’ll figure you’re probably worth a shot. With self-discipline, you can teach your mind to redirect your pulsion into something else. Something, that perhaps, unlike mcdicks, won’t make you hate yourself 2 hours later.
It’s worth a try, right?

I get that if you are in a committed romantic relationship, living a life of abstinence is probably slightly impossible, nor desirable. But to all my single pringles out there, start taking notes. I’ve been talking about junk food, and I think junk food applies to the single-people-sex-department as well. Your quarter pounder is as tasty as it can be while you’re still enjoying it, but once it’s over, your all time favorite emotion comes peeking at your window – a.k.a regret. I mean, it’s all fun and games, until the game is over.

I mean, a Sabrina likes to say it how it is, and junk food sex is nothing more than a temporary exchange of fluids. What’s more, is that you have exchanged energies and a tiny peace of your soul with someone who probs won’t think about you in 2.5 hours.

Maybe you’re thinking "Well Sab, I could honestly care less about my having exchanged energy with my fuck date of the night" . To which I’ll probably say "That’s alrights, you do you honey! " But energy is one powerful heck of a thing, and it’s contagious. They don’t say "you’re the sum of the 5 people you surround yourself with" for nothing. Hang around people who suck the good out of you, and soon enough, without maybe even being conscious of it, you’ll do the same to others.


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