3 Ways To Improve Your Writing!

Writing is the combination of art and skill. Some people have the skills of writing but they don't have the art naturally. There has been enough discussion by the people whether you can improve the art or not but I believe that a human can do anything if he is focused. Your dedication plays a vital role and a deciding factor in the improvement of skills and art.
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We all agree that skills can be improved, so finally we have something that is agreed upon. I don't think there is any need to explain the importance of writing since you are browsing Steemit and you can see the value of creative writing by yourself. Trending section just shows a few dozens of people making a ton of money but if you browse other sections, you'll find that many people are getting rewarded on daily basis.

The keys to success on Steemit are the original materials and creative writing. Though I understand that you may be producing best content and it is undervalued for now but to be honest, it's how it works. Just like anything, you'll have to earn your reputation and you can gain that by consistently writing quality stuff. In this article, I'll share a few tips to improve your creativity while writing any piece.

1 - Learn The Language From Native Speakers:

If you are not a native English speaker, you may be struggling with Grammar. As English is your second language, you may be struggling with the word choices and don't know how to structure your sentence. It is a barrier to creative writing. It often happens that you have some creative thoughts already in your mind but you fail to express your thoughts by writing due to English trouble.

Does it mean that you need to go to a primary school once again to learn the basics? No, you have better choices. All you need is to read more than you do and possibly watch English videos as much as possible. It won't only help you with choice of words but also with the grammar. I've been following this strategy with huge success. I started my writing career with poor English. Even though I can't claim that it is perfect (because it is simply not perfect) but I can say that it is much improved.

2 - Review Your Written Piece Twice or More!

I don't like to write directly on Steemit editor. At first, I prepare my articles on Microsoft Word. It's not because Steemit Editor is not good enough, it is good but I am used to MS Word now and wouldn't like to migrate anywhere else. It also keeps me away from hurry to post the content. I do my best to perfect every single thing before posting (but humanly mistakes are possible for sure).

Writing in MS Word allows me to review whatever I've written more comfortably. It doesn't matter who you are writing for. I believe that you should review your piece at least twice and continuously edit sentences to improve the overall quality. If you're comfortable with Steemit Editor, go with that for sure. It's just that I am used to MS Word but I'd love to write directly through Editor someday.

3 - Research Your Topic Before Writing:

You may have missed some important information about the topic you're writing. Researching the topic enables you to gather some ideas. When those ideas are combined, you come up with a creative idea which could beat every single one shared before.

A well-informed writer achieves big success not only in the blogging field but also on Steemit. People appreciate your time that you take to research on the topic. Yes, it may take some time because it's all about gaining reputation here. As the price of Steem rises, the reward pool increases and therefore you make greater rewards than before.

Thanks to the Steem blockchain that our voice is worth something. Oh yes, don't forget to follow me at @steemitcom46 for more useful content.

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