Week #1 - Starting a new job the Right Way

Hi Steemians,

This week, I started my new job as Sales Consultant at a software company with a product for the construction industry. Basically, it is a platform that will revolutionize how construction is done nowadays, more on that later.

Today, I will analyze my first couple of days at the office and how it was a real success already. Both from my side and the company's side, things were done the right way to introduce fresh blood into an innovative company.


From my side

I made the first days all about the 'people' side. My top priority was getting to know who to go to for which kind of questions and letting the other people know for which topics to come to me. You should figure out where your place will be in the organization and let this be clear to the others. Find your direct colleagues to begin bonding and know which indirect colleagues are of importance for your role.

I can say I did all of that and by my side the view is quite clear. I am a sales person with a background in economics and a first experience in a B2B software company doing marketing and sales. All the other sales people here have a background in construction and engineering. A different way of approach will be of big importancy in our sales cycles. As the others will more likely sell with their technical knowledge, I will have to implement the sales cycle psychology to close deals. Having both these expertises in a sales team is vital for being successful in marketing and selling your product. I will need a technical person next to me to sell and the others will need my deal-closing skills to reach targets and to not enter a long sales cycle time.

Starting my new job

My purpose was to make that clear also to them and I'm quite positive I did. This way, the group starts to see my unique benefit in the organization, without having to prove it first. The proving will be part of a longer cycle in which I really bring my benefits in front. Now I have 'earned' time to prove myself , which is vital in a new environment.

From the company's side

For the first couple of days, the company should make the transition as smooth as possible for the new starter. Show the starter where to go in the office for which question, give the starter a very own laptop / mobile / car / ...
This way, the company is relieving me of secondary things I shouldn't be thinking about.

Configured laptop

I can say they did exceptionally well this week. I had all the time to introduce myself and to find my way in the group, without putting too much effort in configuring my laptop or ordering my own car.

Conclusion Week #1

As I saw it, this first week was a perfect week to start. I have a clearer image on how the company works internally, and my colleagues have a clear view of why I was hired and what my benefit will be. We even went for a drink on Friday, so I got to know my colleagues a bit more on the personal level. Below my first own picture, more to follow :D

Triple d'Anvers and Nacho's

Next week will be alll about learning what the company does and how it is perceived from the outside.

I will keep you updated.


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