Ever start something and wish you hadn't?

I'm making the most of the current situation and have been getting on with all those jobs I've been putting off for months if not years.

I'm a bit of a book and stationary hoarder and it seems my kids are following my tracks; my study is always a mess due to the amount of stuff I try to cram in a reasonably small space. So, yesterday was the day I started to tackle it and my gut feeling is I won't be finished until tomorrow.


The shelves (3 of them) are being emptied and cleaned. Two had to be moved by a few inches which is a bit of a ball ache as they're bolded to the wall. Mrs Stav is not going to be impressed when she sees the holes I've left behind! The photo above was taken after the first had been moved to make way for a computer desk enabling me to tuck my lab PC away.

The cat is sunbathing on the window ledge and didn't care much for the photos or other bits and bobs that usually live there. He has kindly relocated them ... e.g. he has pushed them on to the floor.


It's so nice to have him about as he very rarely came downstairs following moving to this house nearly 3 years ago. He decided to be brave and face the dog about a month back and now makes his presence felt all the time.

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