Well Steem I am officially an outlaw.

A few days ago my mother informed me that a letter came in the mail that I have a warrant for not appearing in court. I was assaulted by LAPD illegaly stopped and searched a few months ago. They got me for possession of a controlled substance and I decided. You know what fuck 'em I no longer recognize nor have I ever truly recognized the United State Government as an authority over my self and so I am not going to court to face charges I don't feel they have the privilege to bring upon me. So I quit my job because I don't feel like having a bunch of Government Gangbangers coming in and kidnapping me. I'm just going to keep squatting where I have been and living off what I can to survive. Luckily my neighbors are super cool and let me use their electricity in exchange for small chors. I'm not at any risk of starvation so that is a plus and I have running water. I don't think that I am in any danger unless the Gestapo come here to try and take me.

I've just had it with the Government. I never consented to being governed I'm making my stand for liberty now. I won't be forced to comply with this evil, for I can not in good moral faith submit to this gang of murderurs and thiefs. Knowing the atrocitys the United states Government has commited against humanity. I'd feel as though doing so would condemn my soul to hell.

I end this post leaving you all with some quotes from undoubtedly some of the most intilectual and intelegent minds in our history.

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. -Albert Einstein

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good. Mahatma Gandhi

Wish me luck everyone.

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