How to make your body an ally in achieving the objectives?

Financial goals - it's great spiritual development - good. But if the body is our "send to hell", and any health problems - the heck with the two we sell everything else. Old as the world of truth, about which people remember only when they begin to die.

Let's not bring it up, and will pay even a little attention to our body, which is a direct participant in achieving the objectives.

There are several daily needs of our body:

1. Practice relaksogeneza (minimum 20 minutes). How do I relax? When I feel my body and I am with him one on one?

What could it be: sauna, bath oils, swimming pool, massage. For each person it will be something different.

What for?

Our body works in on / off mode. He accelerated, and he should slow down. But the modern pace of life has forced us to think that the useful time for us - it's just on. It turns out that during the day we do not turn off, and is turned on and then just fall asleep abruptly. We are not slowing down. Imagine a sports car, which has gas, but no brakes. So you, when were transported home, brake in a haystack, and jump out. Not very convenient, is not it? Uncomfortable somehow. That's your body uncomfortable. The body and mind need to switch is off. Therefore, before going to bed relaksogenez required.

To strive for:

from 8 to 12 - we do not do anything, have breakfast, spend time with family, learn, relax

from 12 to 16 - carry out the task of the day

from 16 to 20 - are learning, we create

from 20 to sleep - a rest

It turns out, you can easily enter a day and is easy to get out of it. This is not laziness, it's about the right allocation of priorities and resources, the ability to focus on tasks. And the friendship with your body.

2. The motor (muscle) activity that is adaptive for you and brings you pleasure (at least 20 minutes).

What could it be tennis, swimming, dancing, cycling, yes anything. The main thing that this activity brings the fun of the process itself, not just the result.

It happens, we go to the gym, and in the mirror we like, but we feel unwell, and our body pleads with us to stop this abuse.

3. Self-observation (minimum 20 minutes). We no longer feel my body.

The fact that modern man overloaded the upper registers (distanktnye) associated with vision, analysis, hearing. By nature man is not adapted to the overwork of the amount of information. The ancient people as they walked through the woods, the picture does not change much. And what happens now? For example, when we are on the internet is something to watch. Trillions of information.

Reloading of the head leads to the fact that we do not add to the load lowercase associated with tactile sensations. We no longer feel the food, feel your body, to feel it. We begin to feel only when something breaks or is eliminated. And it signals the body is very important, and hearing they may prevent many troubles related to both health and life in general.

What could it be: meditation, qigong, yoga, Pilates, even walking (at the time, when you go, you are within yourself and feel your body.)

4. The practice, which leads to beauty. Here, we assume a more or less clear.

It is important to distinguish between just these things. Understand that not everything that leads to beauty, leads to health. And to act in accordance with the objectives that you pursue.

So, pay a little attention to your body. It is your first and main ally in achieving any purpose. But if you do "send", be prepared that sooner or later it will answer you the same.

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