Colors and How They Affects You.

So you look around you and notice a fruit hanging on a tree just nearby and you decide they’re ripe and it becomes appealing to you, and the only thing you’re thinking about next is how you’d eat the fruit.
You wake up in the morning and look at the sky, you notice the golden streaks that promises a sunny day, you conclude it won’t rain, hence, you look for something light to wear so you won’t feel too hot during the day.
Right now you’re reading this post, and the color contrast of black text on white background is comfortable to your eyes, making it easier for you to quickly read and understand.
Basically, you’re being affected by color.
You’re contantly, almost unconsciously using color to process information around you.
Do you know that color also has an impact on your emotions? Let’s find out.


While shopping, the endless array of colorful packages can be mind boggling. The truth is, advertisers carefully select colors and color combinations to appeal to specific desires, gender, or age group.
Home decorators, clothing designers, and artists also know that colors can evoke emotional response and they do not hesitate to use this knowledge to their advantage.

Regardless of upbringing, location or custom, humans share the same emotional response to certain colors.
Also, Kids are usually taught with colorful objects and researchers have found that they tend to remember things easily this way
For Instance, these three colors will be considered- Red, Green, White.

  • RED has very high visibility. Red has often been associated with energy, war, danger and sometimes, love. It is an emotionally intense color and can enhance human metabolism, increase respiration rate, and raise blood pressure. Colors in the red area of the color spectrum like orange and yellow are called warm colors and can evoke feelings of warmth or hostility.

  • GREEN evokes a totally different reaction opposite to that of red. It slows down metabolism and produces a calming effect. Green is a restful color and is often associated with tranquillity. We usually feel relaxed when we see green gardens and hillsides/vegetations.

  • WHITE is often associated with light, safety, and cleanness. It is also usually connected with qualities innocence, and purity.

Color-Vision Deficiency

Defects in color vision are mostly inherited and present at birth, and children with the condition often learn unconsciously to adapt. For instance, even if they cannot see the difference between certain hues, children may perceive differences in contrast and brightness and associate these variations with the names given to the colors. They may also learn to identify objects by surface patterns and textures instead of by color. In fact, many young people remain unaware of their disability throughout childhood.

Someone who has color-vision deficiency has to depend on someone else for a lot of things.
For instance, one married man described what it is like to be color blind. When he gets dressed, his wife checks that the colors he chooses match. At breakfast, she selects a piece of fruit for him because he can’t see if the fruit is ripe or not.
At work, he can’t always see where to click on the computer screen, since many items are usually denoted by color.
When driving, red and green traffic lights appear the same to him, so he has to observe whether the illuminated light is on top or on the bottom. Not cool.

Color-vision deficiency (also known as color blindness) is a genetic flaw that causes a defect in the retina—the light-sensitive inner lining of the eyes. Some patients can see different colors, not just black and white. But some colors do not look the same to patients as they do to people with normal vision.

In the human eye, the retina normally contains three kinds of cone-shaped color-sensitive cells. Each kind is tuned to the wavelength of a different primary color of light—blue, green, or red.
Light of different wavelengths triggers the corresponding cones, which signal the brain and enable one to perceive colors.
Color-vision deficiency (also known as color blindness) is a genetic flaw that causes a defect in the retina—the light-sensitive inner lining of the eyes. Some patients can see different colors, not just black and white. But some colors do not look the same to patients as they do to people with normal vision.

In the human eye, the retina normally contains three kinds of cone-shaped color-sensitive cells. Each kind is tuned to the wavelength of a different primary color of light—blue, green, or red.
Light of different wavelengths triggers the corresponding cones, which signal the brain and enable one to perceive colors.
In people with color blindness, the sensitivity of the cones to one or more colors is weak or shifted in wavelength, so that their response to color is altered.
Most sufferers find it challenging to differentiate between yellow, green, orange, red, and brown.
If a person’s red-sensitive cones are very weak, a red rose appears black. Very few sufferers cannot see blue.

Although there is no known cure for this condition, it neither gets worse with age nor increases the risk for other defects in vision. However, color blindness is a disability that can be very frustrating.
Color-vision deficiencies can be found in all racial groups, but it is most common among Caucasians.

Many animals can discern colors, although their color vision is very different from ours. Dogs, for example, have only two kinds of cones in their retinas—one for blue and the other for a hue between red and green. While some birds, can detect ultraviolet light, which the human eye can’t see.

Color actually affects living things!

Authored by @Sussan

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