Tiger Woods, Brett Kavanaugh & 3 New Storm Alerts

As the day comes to an end Tiger Woods proves that age is but a number as he wins his first major golf tournament since 2013.

And, on a totally different note, SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh seems to be one step closer to losing confirmation as another woman has come forward stating that he flashed her at a college party a few decades ago. No matter the time frame, it's tragic and perhaps a lesson for millennials in their hayday. That said, we have no proof that these are truths; but, no reason to doubt those who've made the accusations. I don't want to cast a vote; but, it looks like POTUS may have to use his plan B. A little research reveals that it may be a female; which would be a double swipe against those wanting the House to be Democratic majority.

Lastly, for those drying out on the east coast, news has it that three more systems have formed in the Atlantic. Let us pray that they meet cool waters and fizzle without a sizzle.


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