There is no "non-pecking" fish ...


How many times has it been for me, and my friends and colleagues on hobby, that coming even at home, the "home" pond and starting to catch the proven successful bait at the most-killer points, you do not get results. You think to yourself about yourself - "Well, how's that?" The boat put it out perfectly, here they are, all snags, like in the palm of your hand ... And there's fish on them ... Why are there no bites? ".
We will not get an exact answer to this question)). But it is clear that today neither these super baits, nor their diverse animation, cause the interest of fish. What to do? Definitely something to change ...
The simplest thing is to try on another to catch the point, changing the position of the boat and the direction of casting and wiring. For example, if you were exhibited earlier for casting downstream, then try to set the boat to cast upstream (upstream). Such a maneuver will radically change the behavior of the bait during wiring. Animation will be more speedy and sharp. Perhaps this will be enough to arouse the appetite of predators.
The second thing to try is a radical change in the type of bait. Repeatedly in my practice there have been cases when this led to incredible results ... Somehow with my longtime friend Nikolay we were in a narrow and long Volga bay with the submerged forest left under the water. Bringing earlier in such places, jig baits on unassembled assembly this time were completely ignored by the fish. A pair of contacts, traces of pike teeth on silicone. Fish is, it's understandable. But does not bite. The solution came by accident. Starting with the hopelessness of trying all the baits in a row, Kolya put the wobblers of Serbian production, which he used only when catching taymeney in Siberia. A feature of this wobbler was a very active and noisy game of the tail part (the wobbler was compound). On the second - a tricky wiring, when his bait was already near the boat, Nicholas stopped the winding to see how his bait behaves on the ascent. A pop-up wobblack appeared, a little crouching in the water column. And behind it emerged, not taking away a glance from a huge wobbler a large pike of 6-7 kilograms according to our estimates. Kolya unexpectedly even pulled the bait out of the water))).
The lure aroused the interest of the pike, compelled her to accompany the wobbler to the side of the boat, but the bite did not follow. That is, you need something similar, large and conducted in the water column over snags. Neither among the silicone baits, nor among the wobblers we have not had. But in stocks there were clasbers with rotating spoon-baits of large sizes (# 5 BlueFox Vibrax). I started fishing, trying to hold spoon-bait as close to the tops of flooded trees, sometimes even chirping on them. And flew! Fish as a substitute. Greedy attacks one after another.


The peculiarity of the spoon-bait, which we started to catch, is a wide petal, which, even with a significant weight of the bait itself, allows it to be driven slowly enough in the water column. A special device of the core of the spoon-bait (with a rattle) creates a powerful noise accompaniment. The award to us then became 9 pikes from 5 to 9 kilograms!
And this case is not the only one. The system works time after time. If suddenly the fish at the point refuses to peck at the usual bait for this place - you need to radically change the type. Caught on a jig - put a wobblers or spoon-baits. They chased the wobblers-minnow over the snags - put a spinnerbate or spinner. Dragged on the grass top-wind with zero result - go to the unloaded rubber. Your mobility and a diverse arsenal and technology of submission will certainly give results! There is no "not completely pecking" fish. You just need to understand (or pick up) what she needs right now, now ...
Traditionally I will illustrate my thoughts with an excellent plot by Alexander Volynkin on a similar and close subject ...

And to you, friends, I wish one. Do not lose heart if on a fish suddenly the fish does not respond to your efforts. Include all your imagination, try new prmanki, which in these places have never been caught. And your persistence and perseverance will pay off with a good catch or a solid trophy!

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