Today I would like to tell you about what to do when we are in the midst of an acute crisis and therefore our spirit sometimes declines, or is minimized in this situation. Follow me to take a step for this little post:

Some experts believe that the crisis, rather than an unfavorable economic situation, is a state of mind.
Without going into evaluating psychological aspects that support this theory, it is evident that the crisis can be perceived with greater or lesser strength depending on our mood, or better, our attitude towards the problems.

When you have a positive attitude, any obstacle seems salvageable, but if you have a negative attitude, the smallest inconvenience seems insurmountable.
The effects of the crisis can be modeled according to our reaction to it, depending on the decisions we make to face it.

For example, when a person is out of work, this person can choose to get depressed and relinquish their bad luck, or can actively pursue a new job or another way of earning income.
Generally, what a person who loses the job does, is to become depressed, and until he assimilates and recognizes his new situation, he will not try to find a solution. Then, the duration of the crisis for this person will depend on how long it takes to react positively, a positive reaction that will be more or less early depending on your mood, your attitude.

People who manage to keep calm and calm in a difficult situation, can leave first of it, because they can think coldly, can calculate and evaluate variables and situations in a logical and positive way, something necessary to make sound decisions.

That is why we work our attitude, in our state of mind, so that when the time comes, we are the ones who control the situation and it is not the situation that controls us and cancels us.
Not in vain in many trades and professions people are trained to make decisions under pressure, under adverse situations and circumstances, so that when the time comes to act in difficult conditions, they can act calmly, something that we should all do, since late or early we will face very complex problems.

Greetings fellow Stemiats!!

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