1)NEVER FIXATE: Have you ever looked for a lost item for a full hour only to find out it was in your bag the whole time, while you panicked and screamed for it?
That's what happens most times, fixating on issues magnifies them in our mind, replaying worst case scenarios until all we see are dead ends. Never fixate, get a distraction (music, novel, movie, food , exercise whatever).
You may find that the answers you want are buried in the 103rd page of Stephen King's "It"

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2)GET PHYSICAL: Apart from being enormously beneficial to our health, this is the most important part of the day especially for some of us who wake up most mornings feeling very gloomy.I like to call it " Kick start". Squats? Push ups? Yoga? Whatever will get your blood pumping and kick start your day, Do it.

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3)COMMUNICATE: I cannot overemphasize this. Talking to somebody(anybody) is very important, just a casual, light hearted conversation will do. It'll keep you from living in your head, exaggerating scenarios and killing your mood
Bonus if you find someone who keeps you entertained

4). DEVELOP YOUR INNER SELF AS BEAUTIFULLY AS THAT ROUND BEHIND: inspirational books, comics, Religious books, movies, Novels, philosophical books...everything. Digest them all.

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4b.Do what makes you smile. Writing, playing, reading, gaming,gisting, šŸ˜‰ dancing anything that gives you a blood rush.Do them as often as possible Get a move on! Do it!

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5). REDUCE YOUR PHONE TIME: it is EXTREMELY important to reduce phone time, why? Well it's easy to get hooked, to get attached to the thought that it is where happiness lies and that's destructive. Cause it takes only a dead battery and power outage to slam reality in your face.

6). THOSE PICTURES ARE STAGED:Remember this. Every picture is staged,Every Iconic moment is staged , about 1000% amount of hard work goes into it, you don't believe me? Go backstage to a photoshoot, catch these models in their homes, visit "exemplary" families when no one's watching. You'll be surprised.

7) BE INDEPENDENT: I know it sounds ironic but it's true. Don't depend a 100% on anybody for anything, everybody has a story (a story you're probably just a paragraph in). Don't make your story about any other person but you. Not your parents, Not your spouse, Not your children. Just you.
Selfish? Yes. But it keeps you healthy

8).LOVE: Love to the best of your ability and expect NOTHING in return. Love because you want to. Love people (who give meaning to your life), nature, God, Allah etc.Most importantly LOVE YOURSELF.

9).ASK FOR HELP : Ask for help in a tactical way but ask for help nonetheless, Don't let pride take away your chances and don't lose your dignity either. Ask for help from the right sources not from people who will lament way more than you do and end up being of no help.

10).REJECT NEGATIVITY: Bind, cast and fire any thing, person or place that feels negative in anyway. Jealous friends, Bullies, Gossips, please drop and smash.

11). GET REAL: Know what you can't have and appreciate what you do have. The hourglass figure isn't for everyone but your beautifully created eyes and brain are yours to show off.
Don't dwell so much on the "Have not"

12). ACCEPT THE GAUNTLETS: Accept the challenges thrown your way, fight the battles you have to .If you win; rejoice , and if you lose; Cry it out, learn the lesson and move back to No 1.

That's about it.
I skipped friendships because that's secondary. Focus on being the Best you can be, Your Friends will amplify that energy.
I sincerely hope from the depth of my heart that this helps someone.

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