New discoveries by slooooowly growing up

Sometimes my head is just full of various thoughts and it feel like this:


In such moments i feel it is necessary simply to kind of take them out from my head, like Professor Dumbledore from Harry Potter was doing with his memories...:

...and then write them down, analyze and summarize it.

So, i am gonna start now:

Discovery / Lesson 1

  • It is so funny, when you were kid, adults were for you kind of example, orientation and authority. For you it was kind of equal being adult and smart...I somehow thought that if you are adult, then you are automatically smart. Pffff....what can i say now?! This belief is faaaaaaaaaaaar awaaaay from reality. Sometimes I am looking at people at the age of 40 or 50 and thinking "Oh my God, are you serious now? Do you really mean it what you have just said?"...Sorry, guys, I don't wanna look arrogant or whatever it is, but have you noticed how many stupid people are there in the world? And most of them are thinking that they are right and incredibly intelligent human beings. Well...what this realization has taught me? It taught my one simple thing: do not listen to anyone. If someone is older, it does not mean that he is smarter. In some way he or she might be more experienced, but it does not mean that they have taken their lesson from this experience. And you don't have to argue with them. The best way is to say: thank you and keep doing what you believe is right for YOU. So, do not listen to anyone, follow your way, follow your HEART.

Discovery / Lesson 2

  • Some people or students are thinking: "I should chose the profession, which will bring me enough (or in some versions a lot of money). And they go studying for this, getting their degree and then start from the very beginning and low position their career. What happens then? In most cases, they do not happy with their work, but keep doing it waiting till the end of the working day. Does it make them happy? I doubt! Especially considering that at the beginning of your professional career (oh, I hate this word, to be honest), they earn just a little bit of money, but big corporations and society around persuades them that it is normal and that in 5 years everything will be just great. Recently i made a discovery about this: it is a mistake to chose something just because of the money. You should chose something that you really LOVE to do, something that makes you happy, something that you enjoy every minute and forget about the time working on you project (notice, i didn't use the word "job", i used the word "project", because that is how you take every new task). And only when you will do something with a passion with love, money will come to you as well and it will be exactly enough money for you and for your needs and maybe even more, much more. But your leading motivation wouldn't be money, it will be your passion...

Discovery / Lesson 3

  • Do not afraid to dream, even if now it seems to be incredibly crazy for you. It is your dream, it is something you want to reach, to have or to do. Then go for it! First, visualize it: every single step, how would you feel yourself when it comes true, what would you do when it realizes, etc. A lot of people will say you "c'mmon, you already have a perfect job, perfect flat, etc...Why do you wanna lose it all". Do not listen to them. It is YOUR life and only your. If you feel that it is right, then go for it. Sometimes you will be scared, like crazy. There will be a moments, when you will be absolutely frustrated and dissapointed and will even ask yourself, whether it was the right decision you made. REMEMBER: when you reach that point you should know, that is where your new life, your rebirth are going to start! At the end you will be thankful first of all to yourself, that you left your comfort zone (or in another words, created all these troubles for you by yourself), felt down (my short life experience demonstrates me that it is a necessary cleaning step, which prepares you for the meeting with your-real-self) and then was able to take a wing and fly...

Discovery / Lesson 4

  • Be patient. If there is a "dark" period in your life think about octopus. He has his eyes, his brains, his hands, his legs in the ass. And he is not complaining about it... :) Sorry, black humor today.

And now serious. When you have a bad period in your life, just think that after that for sure will be a good one. It just takes some time. Moreover, sometimes you do not have to fight against this bad period. This is usually the best times in your life. And here i explain you why: when you stop fighting, you just take a pause, you accept this period and that you just have to wait when the good one comes. In the meantime you can use this pause more productive as just fighting with all the circumstances from the world outside. Start thinking about you, your human being nature, why this pause has happened in your life and what you should learn out of it- Small tip: in this case you will learn a looooot and most of all about yourself! So, stop fighting, stop complaining! Accept the challenge, start looking into you and discovering and learning about yourself. And remember, after the black strip sooner or later there will be the white one...or even blue, and green and pink, and red, and orange ... :)

Discovery / Lesson 5

  • Be yourself! and don't be afraid to do funny-stupid things. Enjoy the moments, enjoy the time with your beloved, talk about your feelings, live in this moment now.

Fuuuuuuh, now i feel myself much better. Thank you, dear Steemit for this great opportunities to express and share my thoughts-discoveries! :) Thank you, wonderful Steemians, for reading this and sharing your thought with me! I wish you all a wonderful evening!

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