Happy Birthday Soldier! - My first Steemit Anniversary 🥂

As you might read in the header. It´s my Steemit birthday! 

I recently scrolled through my profile and found this gif of myself holding the introduction paper. Soldier - 27/08/2016. Wow a whole year is over now!

Yes I am a day late because I had so many problems to solve yesterday. My whole day was so exhausting because I had no sleep for 38 hours cause I watched the fight of the century with Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather and I needed to stay awake throughout the night because I didnt want to miss anything. When the fight and interviews were over I took a look at the watch and it was 8 am in the morning (German time). 8.15 am was set to stay up because I had a few meetings around 9 o´clock. Well, after another 13 hours of staying awake, paying attention and making serious decisions I fell to sleep like a dead soldier. There was literally no time to write any posts so I thought why not make it today.

My Steemit journey has been amazing. I met so many nice and kind hearted people which is crazy because I only made bad experiences with social media in the past. When I first started here I was introducing myself as "soldier". When you want to read my introduction, I will link it right -> here <- . I got so many questions about this username and also when I joined some Steemit meetups in Hamburg, Potsdam and Berlin everyone was questioning my username. Some time I thought to write about my story and how I came up with this crazy idea to call my account soldier. If you are new to my blog and are also curios, I will link the post -> here <-

This year has been full of surprises and when I take a look back I see so many great adventures, achievements, friendships, improvements and a huge community that supports me no matter what! 

I havent posted a SteemDance series in a while so I thought this is a great opportunity to celebrate my Steemit anniversary! 

When I hit the gym, I always listen to music. Sometimes I use my own playlist but any other day I try to listen to other people´s playlist as well to get inspired. The song - little more by Chris Brown came up and I already knew this song. This is why I wanted to switch until I heard the first beat...

Okay it´s set. I am going to dance to this song - the base and beats are incredible. Then I met up with my friend @agent who filmed everything and it´s a quite funny story because it was friday night and so many people were sitting drunk on some benches outside but I didnt care. there was a nice spot with glowing benches and I tried to fade out the people and just dance. This was the moment when two drunk guys came over and started talking to us. They came up with the idea to dance with me and how can I say no to them? Of course I wouldnt cut the video with unknown people inside my anniversary dance video but here is a little gif of us dancing on glowing benches... lol

Anyway, it was an amazing year and this post would take hours to write and read if I would mention every special moment that happened in the past year. I am just so thankful to have this amazing opportunity to share my interests with people around the globe! I also enjoy reading your posts as well because everyone is so different! When I check the Instagram feed, all I can see are girls and boys imitating each other. I see hate comments below every celebrity post and this is what makes Steemit so special and legit. People are sharing, giving and sending love back! This platform is not all about the money even if many consider this media as a money maker page. I dont. Of course it´s nice to get paid for sharing passion and posting great content but this love and respect is precious and priceless! You can not buy passion, a community that supports you like mine does, people sharing their experiences, amazing stories and so much LOVE ! I am blessed and beyond thankful for everyone of you! 

Cheers to another great Steemit year  🥂 

In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it. - Marianne Williamson

Thank you for being a part of this movement.

Thank you for reading

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier 

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