Made A Homeless Man Cry By Giving Him A McDonald Gold Coin For Free Big Mac.

Started today off feeling pretty energetic and looking forwards towards Postmates delivery for the first time. Early on at an off ramp intersection I came to a stop in front a homeless man asking for change. He was an older gentleman looking around 50 or so. I figured it's hot as heck and this man is out in the blazing sun. He's suffering, the lease I can do was to give him some change. So rolled down my window and gave him a some of coins. He thanked me. Moments later I realized that I went to McDonald's a couple days before and have been holding on to this nice fancy coin that I received (and wanted to keep) for purchasing a Big Mac. I then figured, this man must also be hungry so again I rolled down my window and offered the man the golden coin and told him it's for a free Big Mac. The moment he realized what he heard tried to remember his last time ever having a big Mac. After recalling when, he teared up and thanked me again and my heart swelled. This was one of the few time I really felt genuinely good giving something away. It felt great.

Today while driving around and doing deliveries I gave a good portion of my change that I keep for the homeless and parking meters. One time a 7-elevens while taking a break and parked I spotted a another homeless man at a corner of the lot hanging under some shade looking exhausted. I thought to myself that I should get this man a drink and some change. The moment that I was about to take action a gentleman swept in and beat me to the punch. The gentleman gave the homeless man a bag of ice cold drinks and some goodies. Amazed I cheerer to the kind gentleman and told him that he beat me to the good deed. The smiled and replied "you can always give more". I told him that he's totally correct and that I just might. Minutes later I grabbed a good chunk of my change and added to the giving. The feeling was amazing and it's even better knowing and seeing others out there helping the needy out. Yeah well its only 1:30 PM. The day is still young (and hot) I might be out of coins soon. But no worries as long as I can keep earning I can continue to give.

As of today my worry and doubt of giving to the homeless has completely vanished. Before 9/10 times I gave but my heart was never completely in it. Now I feel completely different about it and it's a very good feeling.

Also I would like to mentioned one day a few weeks ago I was at another 7-eleven. While leaving I noticed there was a good number of coins just sitting on top of the outside trash bin. Instant by instinct wanted to pocket it. Resisting my urge to do so I held back and walked away. Moments later while in my vehicle a homeless man walks into the area. I informed him where the coins we're and he became over joyed.

Anyhow I just wanted to get this out of my chest and share this with someone. PS I typed this up on my mobile so apologize if there are any mistakes.

Now, how to get myself another coin. Lol owell till next time

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