Find the hero in you!

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When I was a kid I remember being fascinated with superheroes their badass super powers, strength, intelligence and their ability to take on anything and overcome it! They were the coolest it seemed like there was nothing they couldn't fix or handle and it was almost as if they were untouchable. But as you go getting older you realize that superheroes dont exist at least not in the way we thought they did! We realize that our heros dont come in spandex and capes but rather in white coats and scrubs, military uniforms, and at times even just plain regular clothes (the average joe). You see my point is theres a little super in all of us! Each and everyone of us has the ability to help and make some ones day a little brighter, make a sucky situation suck a little less, encourage, motivate,and  elevate!  In an often to dim world where all we seem to hear about is the negative shit going on heres a link to inspire the heroes within us 

You dont have to have these crazy abilities to impact someones world the smallest gesture can mean a world of difference to somebody! Your being, your ability to interact and impact someones life is your greatest super power!

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