Etiquettes: Your Identity With Us !!! @ Good manners are too much to do with feelings To make them ring true, one should feel them, not merely exhibit them.

Can we say what we most value people? Many people say success or its actions But I think it should be used by someone to evaluate it. Success can be achieved easily by hard work and man's wits are available for him, but in the future, people can forget about him.


But if anyone is fascinated by the use, then he can never forget his words. Showing gentleness is never old-fashioned. Goodness refers to how much you are respectful and sympathetic to others. Many difficult situations in life can be tackled only by good use. Also, how well you respect others' religion, culture or heritage by expressing good intentions.

"Good manners are too much to do with feelings To make them ring true, one should feel them, not merely exhibit them. "
-Amy Vanderbilt

There is no specific age for learning masculinity, not a specific time.
Let's See...

1. Show courtesy of mobile phones:

We may not understand how to show courtesy in mobile phones. Suppose you are on a public place. May be bus, office or any religious institution

  • You do not want to be able to look at everyone while talking or listen to your personal words. In such a situation, it is better to say no to phone in these places. If you have to say it, then you should keep a close eye on the voice of the throat so that others do not feel embarrassed.

  • It's better to not talk to a second person in the middle of talking on the phone. Otherwise, the person who is sitting on the other side of the phone will be hesitant if the words are being told to him or if he is being heard properly.

  • It is not fond of calling someone very morning or more night without any urgent situation. Many feel very annoyed at it. In these cases, the person who will call you can be seen in your relationship.


  • If the call goes wrong in the wrong number, it should be explained to him in a very soft voice or sometimes he calls the wrong number, but he must explain it well.

  • When talking, you should always look at the voice of your voice. Your voice is expressing the expression, personality, modesty of your face. So it is very important to look at the voice while speaking.

  • First of all take the phone yourself and then exchange the interview. Those who are on the other side will also like it. It is unreasonable to wait for someone for a long time, in that the person is annoyed

2. Learn to thank:

Thanksgiving is short but greatness is very big. Many times we do not take the help of the nearest people very naturally and do not think it necessary to thank them. There we make mistakes. A small thank you can make people happy. Also thank the person who is helping you at home. In this they will feel important to themselves. If someone gives you gifts or does anything for you, then do not forget to thank them.

“A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise.”

3. Demonstrate Time:

Periodism is a kind of courtesy. Many do not think so much about being 5 minutes long. Perhaps you are waiting for someone to leave his important work. But 5 minutes too valuable to him.

"Punctuality is not about being on time, it's basically about respecting your own commitments for life"

Any meetings in the office, timely delivery of classes, attendance on time at any ceremony, including gentlemanliness. If you get trapped in another job, tell them before you cause the delay. This is also a kind of gentleness.

4. Put your clothes in front of the groom:

We often forget that all the dresses are not acceptable everywhere. Clothing is now dominated in the job interview. That preference is not by value, but by how fair it is.

When we first meet someone, first look at his clothes. You should try to get the same place as the clothes you wear. Keep in mind that the clothes you wear are not inappropriate for that particular place.

6. Some common manners:

  • If many people sit together, then help others to give food before. Then start eating together.
  • If there is someone bigger than you at the bus or in some other place, then give him a chance to sit down.
  • Respect everyone. Bus drivers or rickshaw pullers should not quarrel with them for some money. They're your biggest helper.
  • One of our biggest mistakes is that many of us are not appreciated for their good work. Remember, maybe one day one can help you in any work.
  • Many times we do not have to talk to the familiar people but talk about them. I think, come before that talk. Thus, the identity does not proceed from both sides. Many people consider such behavior as arrogance, if not the original thing. Common manners are both spoken and spoken.
  • Many people are happy about the failure of others. That's never right. It should be remembered that one such failure can come in my life.
  • It's not a good idea to comment on someone's clothes.

To learn good use, there is no need for money or hard work. What is needed is the desire of the mind. Good use should be done not only to show anyone but to satisfy your own mind.

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