Senators Life Vs girls life

Story sounds so funny but give your opinion....

Advice this pretty lady who has made a mistake of her like and between the devil and a deep blue see...

Due to poverty and friends influence, she engaged in a roadside work and started having rich and influential costumers because of her package...
Her life became miserable the day she had her job with a senator..

Story cut short....though she protected herself but the devil manifested.... Doctor confirmed she is a month pregnant... She didn't believe because she felt she did all the necessaries...
This is her confusion, when she eventually got reach of the senator,, who was shocked and offer her 50 million to abort the baby...
Now the baby is now a month and weeks old making too dangerous to abort the baby at this stage explained by the doctor due to life risking and her friends and family are not in support of abortion....

On the other hand the senator has promised the girl that if she aborts it,, he will give her extra 20 million because that if that child is born,, that he will die... That was his covenant, any day his blood is born alive, that hour he dies....

If you are this girl what would you do??

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