The Myth of the Unseen Ships...

While witnessing this bizarre world unfolding around us, this memory was triggered. It's the story most of us probably have heard. The Legend of the non-perceivable armada ships. The version I am familiar with involved the Aztecs and the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors. The story alleges that the native populations could not see the fleets arriving. Apparently, the concept of giant ships was so foreign to their belief systems, that they literally saw nothing, Only their priests/shamans were able to see what was arriving.
Due to their spiritual disciplines, their training to think "out-of-the-box" and no doubt ayahuasca's assistance, The elders were able to see beyond their own understandings...and translate it to the people. Once the people were told what they had witnessed, they themselves began to slowly perceive them anchoring This got me wondering.....what became of those who didn't see? If not for these messengers...would there have been anyone left to tell the story?

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