How to stop wasps attacks On the houses of honey bees And on the fruit trees And our homes ?????

Many beekeepers and farmers suffer from the red Hornet, so we will recognize this insect, its damage, its livelihood, its activity and the most important methods of combating it.
The scientific name:
Vespa orientalis , Followed by a platoon ,Vespidae , And the order of the membranes of the wings, Hymenoptera.


Common names:
Date wasp, eastern red Hornet, red Hornet.

Global proliferation:
It spreads in the southern and eastern regions of the Mediterranean basin, the southeastern regions of Asia, and North-East Africa.
We also note that this Hornet spreads in Syria as well, and is one of the important pests on grapes and bees alike.


General description of the insect:

The full insect is a reddish-brown color, the translucent wings are yellowish, the eyes are black and the front is yellow, the horns are brownish. The mouth parts are conclusive.

The length of the male is 1.8-2.3 cm, the female workers are 2.2-2.6 cm long and the queens are 2.6-3.1 cm long.

It should be noted that males are like female workers, but their buttocks are wider and do not have a sting tool.

Damage to this pest:


On bees:

This pest is a serious pest that attacks the honey bees where they steal the honey and masturbation of workers where the Hornet storming the workers and carry them after stung to paralyze and then feed or carried to the nest to feed the larvae. But the biggest problem facing the bee sector is catching the queens during the flight pollination, leading to the loss of a large number of bee colonies early in the year and here is the biggest loss.

In addition, wasps often attack bees to obtain honey or insect bees, and usually the numbers of wasps large, causing confusion of the bee and may eventually lead to the migration of the community or death.


On crops:

This insect attacks fruits rich in sugars (grapes, dates, pears ...) and the damage is significant in the vineyards in Syria. In Egypt, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula, and to the extent of the damage caused by the fruits of the dates, this wasp is called the date wasp. (Here I would like to mention that the mouth parts of the bees are not biting but overwhelming and licking, they are not able to bite like wasps and therefore have no harm to the grapes, but bees come to feed on the juice found in the fruits eaten by the Hornet or other).


On the human:

A person can be attacked as he approaches his nests, and his sting hurts, causing tumors, and severe pain. But unlike the bees, the Hornet can stab, again, because it can pull the sting machine out of the corpse, because it is smooth and not fitted with thorns, as in bees. The Hornet is a major source of inconvenience to cattle herds that feed in wasps, and a large number of people are exposed to sting, particularly sheep herders in the fallow lands, people whose work or residence is close to wasps, The buildings have many cracks.

life cycle:

This insect is similar to ants and bees in being a living social insect, living in colonies and building itself a nest to inhabit. The colony consists of one queen, several hundred female workers (sterile females) and a few males.

When pollinated queens feel warm at the beginning of the spring, they come out of their winter pits and begin to establish their own colony in all the works. They prefer the fallow lands to build their nest in a tunnel in the soil or choose the cracks of walls and mud houses, especially abandoned ones or between the cracks of the rocks. The nest consists of discs arranged vertically (up to five tablets) and the color of the color of the components of the surrounding environment, but the strength of cellulose paper or cardboard and mixed with saliva.


After that, the vaccinated queen begins laying and feeding the eggs, feeding the larvae with sugars and insects that prey on them. This is why queens are seen in the middle of April until the end of May. They then disappear in the nest where only eggs are laid. Exceed a few hundred individuals. The direction of the six-cell cells in the nests is toward the bottom, but when the larvae exit, they do not fall from them because of the presence of a chemical substance linked to the bottom of the cell. The workers in the colony have several functions, including caring for the larvae, defending the community, guarding the cell and controlling temperature. Internal communication among members of the community depends on a number of stimuli and sounds that govern the behavior of individuals in the fields of nutrition, food, storage and other functions.

The Hornet acquires sugars from various sources in the surrounding environment, such as plant secretions, manure, or parasites of bees at the entrances and at the entrances of cells to obtain protein and honey from the honeycomb. The Eastern Hornet larvae also produce liquid containing glucose, proteolytic enzymes, protein,

When the number of workers in the nest increases (during the late summer and early fall) the queen comes out to put the eggs in new nests with wide eyes, and these eggs give females and fertile memories. Here, males attack the dead for a short period and therefore the danger of male temporarily because he dies after the vaccination of the Queen, and at the beginning of winter die all members of the colony, whether the old queen or the workers and the male and remain the new pollinated queens and looking for a suitable place to hide between the cracks or rocks to spend the winter .

The worker's life cycle takes 29 days, the male 39 days and the queen 42 days.


The most important methods to control isps and protect the colonies of honey bees, including:

preventive measures:

Beekeepers must always work to strengthen the sects of bees. It is the best and most effective means of protecting the communities from all its enemies, by annexing vulnerable sects so as to obtain strong sects that can resist the Hornet. It is known that the Hornet can not enter the strong cell and that the income is sentenced to death inevitably.
Do not place the meadows near the vineyards or the cultivated land where the wasps nest.

Attack wasps group, at the entrance of the hive

This image represents the heat defense of the bees against the Hornet, where the bees, raise
Temperature around the Hornet, to 48 bicycle, leading to his death

Control methods:

1 - The vaccinated queens were killed during the months of April and May, where queens can be hunted by rubber racquets, beaten by the queen during flight, and transmitted to beehives or on streams of water. The longer the effective way, because eliminating the queen, means eliminating the entire colony in the future. Poisonous baits can also be used, with the addition of an odorless insecticide (Lannette), minced meat, or fish residue, and spread on a plate away from the cats. The wasps are all queens, nourishing themselves, making them easy to poison and dispose of.

Wasps eat a piece of toxic attraction material

2 - Search for the nests near the dissolved: By cutting small pieces of meat linked to a piece of paper Sulphan or phosphorous paper, and placed in a container placed near the place frequented by the Hornet and then easy to determine the location of the nest and location after the capture of these pieces bright, After placing it, place a mark close to its entrance, ensuring the number of entrances and attention to avoid approaching the nest without wearing protective clothing, then return to the nest location after sunset to place a gaseous pesticide such as phostoxin (love of gas) and can use sodium or potassium cyanide Or insecticide (sephine), then the entrances are closed Nest mud that previously prepared and is to return to the nest after two days to make sure that the Hornet did not find a new way out.

3 - can be used sheets of plastic or wood, and painting the board paste mice and put pieces of minced meat or sardines in the middle. For a good result, put minced meat or sardine in a cage close to a place frequented by the Hornet for a day. Another amount of meat is placed on the second day for the Hornet to eat. On the third day, mix the meat with a non-odorless poisonous substance. To protect animals and birds.

4 - the use of the traps of the Hornet attractant, the best methods of resistance as these help to reduce the intensity of the attack on the communities and the hunting of large numbers of Hornets, such traps include:


• Congestion trap:

Four sides of the interlocking wires contain small cones at the top of the inside, at the top a hole with a lid, and with a hook to hang the attractive material (a piece of animal liver, sardines ...). The attractive material should be replaced every 48 hours to give continuity to the scent to attract wasps. The distance between the two peaks of the oppressors should not be less than 2 cm. Distribute the traps around the dissolved and give acceptable efficiency. Kill wasps caught by immersing the trap with water.


• Fixed wasps trap:

The lizards can design and experiment with this trap. It is a wooden frame 10 cm high, the length and width of which is the same size as the cell box (in Syria 40.5 x 51 cm) with circular openings of 5 cm in diameter. .

The trap, under the base of the cell above a chair, is placed directly on the cell so that the face, with the tangled wires, is facing the ground and when the Hornet attacks, the cells in large numbers surround the cell to inspect an entry point that enters through the trap holes below the base of the cell and attaches inside. The trap can be placed under the chair on the ground directly with the placement of an attractive material inside and here the efficiency is greater.


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