There is never a dull moment

Life behind the wheel of a Tow truck.....

Another awesome day of helping people from all walks of life. I’m forever grateful to have landed in the place where I’m at in life. Each day is like a mini adventure that’s never on repeat and often full of surprises. Despite it all, the overall goal is to get the customer off the road and to their destination safely.

This vehicle here started as a simple motorclub tow......

A motorclub tow is a tow that has a set base price for the overall job. I received this call and based off the address I assumed it was a residential place for the pick location. Upon my arrival I quickly realized it was an impound lot and I tried to call the customer. There was no number in the file nor did it include the vin number.

When I entered the office I realized the guy at the front desk was having a great mid day nap until I shut the door. He didn’t have a clue as to what was going on and proceeded to ask another employee (whom was getting a nap as well). Someone overheard the conversation and immediately responded with the location of the car and headed out the door with me.

Turns out to be a secondary accident tow.......

As quick as I could get my truck backed up into position, the guy had drove the car closer to my truck. We both looked at the car and realized it had been in an accident where the two tires on the passenger side of the car were flat. I immediately called Disbatch to aware them this was a secondary accident tow. A secondary accident tow is when you retrieve a post accident car from a recovery yard. Once I let my Disbatch awarenof the situation I went into action. This car was a front wheel drive train which means I would lift the front wheels up and tow it with the back tires rotating freely. In order to pull this off smoothly, I had to remove the good tire on the front driver side and switch it with the rear passenger side tire.

Did I mention that I didn’t have a car jack.......

I knew I had the four way lug wrench to remove the tires but I did t have a jack nor jack stands to help in the process. All I could think of was not leaving this car behind for some other company to come pick because then it looks like I can’t do my job. I found an old rim and used my truck lift and stinger to jack the car which made it faster than the normal jack would have. After about 45 minutes of working I. The sun and being drenched in sweat I finally got the car ready to be dropped off at the body shop. This job originally started as a $35 motorclub tow before the added on labor. The job ended up paying $185 once I completed it. At the end of the day, the job gets done regardless of what it make take to make it happen. Each day I go to work, I’m helping others with their car troubles and find pleasure in doing so. Thanks for taking the time to read this adventure and I’m looking forward to discussing more in the future.



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