So....what am I doing here? Little experiments.

Experimentation with film

Experiment #1

A wise person once told me that you should always have little experiments going on in your life. I'm going to follow this advice and see where it takes me. I've never been a social media person, so I don't have a facebook or twitter. I suppose I never saw the need for them. I'm close with my family and see them often. To me I guess I saw them as a distraction and something that people get caught up in. Maybe I just didn't want to put myself out there. I'm a very private person and love to share things with only the people closest to me.

But maybe I've been thinking about this all wrong. Maybe I'm full of shit and I'm just scared of expressing myself. So that's why I decided to take the plunge and join Steemit. What is going on here is so much more significant than other platforms and I wanted to be a part of it as well as grow through self expression. I'm not expecting anything out of this and I'm posting more so for myself. I need to take more chances and put myself out there.

The kinds of things you will see me post about are:

  • Thrift store finds (mostly books)
  • LOMO photography
  • Medical Lab Tech learnings
  • Other cool science stuff
  • LOTS of Book stuff

Who knows what random treasures await me today!

Stay tuned steemers and find out!

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