The evil of the century: Types of Memory Windows - Neutral windows, killer and light

Neutral windows, killer and light

Neutral windows
They account for over 90% of all memory areas. They contain millions of "neutral" information, in theory, without emotional content, such as numbers, addresses, phone numbers, school information, ordinary data, professional knowledge.

All existential information recorded in the cerebral cortex, from the dawn of fetal life until the last breath, are these windows. We must then ask a question: are these accumulated information deleted or replaced spontaneously with time?

It's hard to tell if they are replaced or become inaccessible. As the Auto Enroll phenomenon of memory files thousands of information per day million per year, it is feasible that a part is necessarily replaced. The "past" is reorganized by the "present", the "I" with "I am." But most likely, millions of past data, organized electronically in the cerebral cortex cells, are stored not in the conscious center, which call for Continuous Use memory, but in the vast periphery of the memory I call Existential memory.

I am confident in saying this because when a person crosses a brain degeneration, such as Alzheimer's, important areas of Continuous Use memory are disrupted or deleted. And at the same time, it is this intellectual accident that frees up access to information before it’s "almost" inaccessible, such as early childhood, which leads the patient to have memories and attitudes inherent to this period.

Windows killer
Match all of the memory areas that have harrowing emotional content, phobic, tense, depressed, compulsive. Are they windows or traumatic conflict zones? Killer windows. So, as the name implies, they are windows that do not murder the body, but they have access to reading numerous other memory windows, hindering or blocking intelligent responses in stressful situations.

When the trigger encounters such windows - a phobic window, for example - as absurd as the phobic object is (a hummingbird or butterfly), the amount of tension is so great that it blocks access to thousands of windows, ensuring that I am imprisoned within myself, unable to give a logical answer. So even intellectuals, when they are in a panic attack, or other phobia, are unrecognizable, a disproportionate reaction, incoherent and illogical. Killer windows are windows that control, gag, choke the leadership of self. There are several subtypes of killer windows, such as the windows of moodiness, jealousy, anger, pessimism, impulsivity, alienation, phobias, excessive reliance and dependence.

Some windows are not only traumatic, but are structural or "dual power" and hijack the I of the subject. They have the power to incarcerate the I and power to expand the window itself or the conflict zone. In other words, the power to sicken humans. The killer double power windows are constructed from intensely stressful stimuli, such as treason, public humiliation, panic attacks, and financial bankruptcy.

We must map and ask what are the most important killer windows that steal our peace, our joy of living, our emotional health, our creativity, our self-control? We must make inroads with courage in our psyche and ask if we have killer dual power windows gagging our I and suffocating our emotional and intellectual abilities. We must all know that you cannot delete killer windows, but you can rewrite them.

Light windows
Match all the reading areas that contain pleasure, serenity, tranquility, generosity, flexibility, sensitivity, consistency, balance, and support healthy examples. The light windows, "illuminate" the I for the development of more complex functions of intelligence: the ability to think before reacting, put yourself in another's place, resilience, creativity, complex reasoning, encouragement, determination, ability to start, protect emotion, and manage thoughts.

The I enters the stage when the "circus" is mounted
I will comment on something very serious about why we are a species that easily falls ill in the psyche and tarnishes its history. The RAM phenomenon archives all experiences that we experience, whether pleasant or distressing. It forms and fills the memory windows that will be the base of support and training of the self, which, as we have seen, is our critical awareness and choice.

When I is relatively mature, in late adolescence, and therefore relatively able to filter stressful stimuli and write the story, he is now hostage to his past, thousands of windows with millions of experiences. And none of it can be deleted, just reissued, indicating the daunting difficulty of changing the basis of what we are. Anyway, when the I adult has critical awareness as being unique, the "Memory City" is well organized, with housing centers that already give sustainability to the main basic characteristics of personality, like shyness, boldness, sensitivity, impulsivity, emotional fluctuations, humor, determination, insecurity, and diagrammatic reasoning. Without a thorough education, I, in the fullness of their freedom, lives in a dungeon! Think of shyness, which affects about 80% of young people. The I can recycle it, but it is a difficult process with the most delicate body surgery.

So we advocate that I can and should learn from early childhood, the tools for self-control. That is, as it is formed, it must also become an instructor; as it is educated, it should also become an educator of emotion and manager of thoughts.

Classical education teaches students from pre-school to graduate, millions of information about the world we live in, the huge space to the atom, but teaches almost nothing about the psychic world, on the phenomena that make us thinking beings.

That is why such education, before preparing for life today in this hyper-competitive and saturated information society, form, with appropriate exceptions, boys with diplomas in hand, without emotional protection, without the skills to handle losses and frustrations, without the slightest ability to filter stressful stimuli and to be leaders themselves. Note that I'm talking about more than values; I'm talking about the basic functions of the I as the author of your story.

But is this kind of education the responsibility of parents or school? Both. We cannot assign students. Parents and educators have responsibility for the future emotional, social and professional of their children. Many parents outsource education, giving the school a responsibility that is also theirs, which is an unforgivable mistake. However, most schools dodge their part in this process. Repeat: they are in charge of transmitting millions of data about the world we are in, but often are silent about the world we live in.

Examples scream louder than words

Probably more than 90% of the influence that parents have on the personality of the education process of their children should not be what we say, correct. But what are the behaviors that spontaneously express and are photographed by RAM phenomenon children? When parents correct the mistakes of their children, a lone light window is formed, and this is only if the correction is intelligent. However, as we have seen, the lonely windows do not structure the personality, do not form a housing I core. A platform window is necessary.

Many parents lose respect and the ability to educate because they do not understand that the spontaneous behavior of their children will form a large part of these window platforms. Parents who want to teach their children to be patient but they themselves are impulsive, or teach them how to be flexible when they themselves are plastered and stiff will have little success. The example is not only a good way to educate; but it is the most powerful and efficient.

A great executive wins the admiration and influences their team more by his actions than by his words. Who betrays his words with his actions needs to increase the voice and exert pressure to be heard. He is therefore a bad leader. We should be planters of light windows to contribute to the formation of free minds and healthy emotion.

The reformulation of the school paper
The school should supplement family education. And for this, teachers need to know to educate emotion and work the most important functions of intelligence to form thinkers, not repeaters of information. Thinkers filter what they hear; Information repeaters obey orders, have low levels of critical awareness and autonomy.

Take the case of Nazi Germany. The Germans won a third of the Nobel prize in the 1930s of the twentieth century. The country had the best classical education: the best mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering. However, this was not enough to expunge Hitler, an uncouth man, rude, crude, but at the same time, theater. When he burst on the scene with Goebbels, Himmler, Göring and others, and started their mass marketing, they seduced the German youth. The I of the German people lost autonomy.

A special situation, captained by food insecurity, political fragmentation, high unemployment, humiliation and heavy reparations to the victors of World War I, under the Treaty of Versailles, a pool of killer windows dominated the collective unconscious of the Germans, compromising their critical awareness. A classical education, although remarkable, did not produce thinkers collectively to reject or drastically filter mass marketing. A young German of that time dreamed, loved and ventured as today's youth, but after years bombed by Nazi campaigns, his mind was so trained that he might be able to kill a Jewish child for not taking his cap off in his presence and, minutes later, he was preparing to attend a musical concert.

Hitler and Goebbels first ate up the collective unconscious of the Germans, then, "devoured" Jews, Marxists, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals and other minorities. Today, we have a Germany that is an example of a country that respects human rights. Who would have thought that the noble Germany of Kant and Hegel would be protagonist of that atrocity?

But the question which cannot be silent today is the type of current classical education, which forms information of repeaters, is fissured by social networks and hit head-on by the syndrome of accelerated thought. We are not prepared to repeat such atrocities when a new wave of killer windows, captained by global warming, food insecurity and scarcity of natural resources, shoot down the collective unconscious of humanity? My answer, unfortunately, is "no." Form thinkers and educate emotion is vital and urgent.

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