The evil of the century: The trigger memory

The vital anxiety
The phenomena that builds thought chains is a continuous and inevitable movement, an uninterrupted flow, a vital state of anxiety. The vital anxiety caused by loneliness of virtual consciousness is healthy, it moves the entire psyche construction process, thoughts, ideas, characters, environments, desires, aspirations.

The vital anxiety becomes an unhealthy anxiety when it contracts the pleasure of living, creativity, generosity, affection, the ability to think before reacting, the ability to reinvent itself, the multi-focal reasoning, among others.

One of the psychic mechanisms that transform this most vital anxiety in a stifling anxiety is hyper construction thoughts. Who has a restless mind, who is a machine to inform and to think, exceeds the safe limits of psychic movement and will develop the Accelerated Thought Syndrome. The Accelerated Thought syndrome is like an edited film at extremely high speed. There is only appreciation in the first seconds after the unpleasantness reaches the spectator.

The vital anxiety is a solemn testimony that thinking is not only an option of Homo sapiens, but inevitable. If I do not build chains of thought in a logical and coherent direction, unconscious phenomena produce them. The vital anxiety stimulates a dance phenomenon behind the scenes of our mind, even when we sleep. Dreams are a reflection of this fascinating constructive movement.

Trigger or phenomenon of Self Check
The trigger memory is the first phenomenon that appears in the dance of unconscious phenomena that build thoughts. It is triggered when we come into contact with each psychic extra stimulus (light, sound, tactile, gustatory, olfactory) or infra-psychic (mental images, thoughts, fantasies, desires, emotions) and even with certain organic stimuli (metabolic substances, deficit neurotransmitters, psychoactive drugs).

The trigger works in milliseconds, and we are not aware of its operation. It is he who opens the windows of memory, enabling the immediate interpretation and instant awareness. The reader knows that exact time of who he is, where he is, what he is doing, his spatio-temporal position, not because of the conscious and planned action of your Self, but because the trigger memory is anchored in hundreds of windows that support this instantaneous perception. Have you never been surprised with this process?

In a one-hour conference, it is possible that the trigger memory is detonated thousands of times to open thousands of windows to the immediate understanding of each verb, noun, adjective, pronoun. Every day, we see thousands of images that are interpreted rapidly by memory pulling the trigger and the consequent opening of the windows. Therefore, this phenomenon is also called memory Self Check.

So, first impressions and interpretations of thousands of stimuli that we perceive, even if they become aware, are sponsored by unconscious phenomena. The action of these occurs in the first act of the mental theater. We understand written or spoken words not by conscious action, programmed and policy but the trigger pact with memory windows.

We would have an initial response so quickly, we would not be the thinking species that we are. The memory trigger action is phenomenal. It checks stimuli of billions of data in the memory base surprisingly quickly. You just read my words through action, almost at the speed of light; this magnum phenomenon. Without it, I would be confused and not identify languages, sounds and images of the most diverse environments. I would not be a reader.

The trigger memory and its dungeons

Without the trigger pact with the windows of memory, I reiterate, we would not be a thinking species. However, with this agreement, we can also be a trapped species. All phobias such as social phobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia the (Fear of heights), are due to this. Obsessions and drug addiction are also a protagonist for the trigger that opens killer windows immediately.

If, on the one hand, the memory trigger is a great help to us, on the other hand, it can be their great tormentor. Opening unwholesome windows can lead to slips or distorted interpretations, asphyxiating, superficial or biased. Someone who has claustrophobia, does not know the pact between the trigger and the killer memory windows. He knows how this fear is cruel, although it certainly can be overcome. The tools that will be exposed here offer a contribution to the psycho-therapeutic process.
When someone who has claustrophobia enters the elevator, he gets tightness in the chest, a machine movement or a feeling of breathlessness which causes the trigger to quickly open killer windows that translate for him into the lift is going to stop and he will die. The volume of tension arising from this window blocks access to thousands of information, generating the Closed Circuit Syndrome Memory. Therefore, he enters a psychic trap which has not been programmed, which obstructs its clarity and consistency.

I had the privilege of discovering this syndrome and the unpleasantness of knowing that it's phobia based. Drug abuse, obsessions, depression, homicide, suicide, war, genocide, social exclusion and even low intellectual performance.

Once a friend of mine, who was a brilliant student, could barely complete a test. He had studied, he knew the story, but he was tense and unable to recall the information, and he had a terrible performance. The teacher criticized him, he was shaken and recorded this frustration. He studied further for the next test. When the day came, the memory trigger stepped in and opened the window killer that contained the file, afraid to fail.

The result? He was the victim of Closed Circuit Syndrome Memory. He could not open other files containing the information he had studied. He had intense anxiety and a poor intellectual performance. Every time he was going to do a test, the pact between the trigger memory and killer windows was re-enacted. He just retired after years of poor performance on tests. A serious act against his intelligence. Many geniuses are treated as mentally retarded because of these pernicious mechanisms.

Teachers and educational psychologists in almost all the world, are practically unaware of the pact between the trigger and the windows of memory, and cannot contribute to these students. In this particular case, the young man only managed to overcome his poor self-esteem, shine in his thinking and performance of the evidence when he learned to rescue the leadership of the self. Finally, when he learned to manage his thoughts and protect his emotion.

Classical Education
The irony of fate is that it is not inevitable, but a matter of choice. When I believe in this thesis and decide to take the fate of the reins in my hands, my personality is already structured and "Memory City" already has its core housing well defined. Disassemble, rearrange them is a possible task, however it’s complex. Imagine the difficulty of reforming a house to understand the complexity of rewriting our memory. Anyone who has restructured his home knows the work it takes.

Anyone who has had treatment, psychiatric and psycho-therapeutic knows how to overcome conflicts, and that it’s not a quick process like surgery. But of course, our hands are not tied. We can recycle and re-edit the traumatic windows, a task that requires techniques for which I, as the author of the story itself, know requires a new agenda, based on medium and long term goals and priorities.
For example, think of a person who is a victim of social phobia, and has a strong fear of public speaking. One day, she decides to turn the tables and discusses her ideas, fearlessly. Her behavior, however heroic it is, is correct, but if it is isolated, lonely windows.

Days later, when facing a new audience, a new focus or tension will trigger the phenomenon where it will have a great chance to find, among tens of thousands of windows, one that has supported its isolated boldness. But we will have a great chance to find the killer innumerable windows, which have supported his insecurity, his fear of failure, the excessive concern for their social image. Such windows may close the memory circuit, imprisoning and silencing it, thereby reproducing their social phobia. To overcome it, every day he must criticize and recycle his fears and concerns. So make a healthy life.

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