The evil of the century: The memory windows, Information Warehouse

The memory windows are read from memory areas in a particular existential moment. They are in the I, the trigger and the autofluxo is anchored to read, use the information and build the most amazing phenomena: thought.

In computers, we have access to all areas of digital memory; in human memory, we have access to specific areas that are called windows. A window is like a residence. Each residence has basic features that define it as architecture, space, paintings, clothing, and appliances. Similarly, memory windows have hundreds of thousands of information that characterize them.

Personality shift
The intention does not change the personality. It is likely that all of us, sooner or later, try to change some unhealthy personality trait and fail. Even psychopaths try to retrace at some point, but fail. There is a consensus in psychology that personality does not change. In fact, this consensus, which some consider a thesis, is unfounded; it does not hold. Personality is not rigid, is not linear; it is in the process of change, albeit in the form of micro changes. The character moves or turns when changing the basis of memory windows and when it is equipped to be a leader himself.

Panic attacks, for example, have a great opportunity to take the formation of personality, because they form killer powerful windows, able to build a housing core that kidnaps self. The person who experienced a panic disorder (repeated attacks at least one once a week) will never be the same. You can become a much better human being, more proportioned, serene, selfless, after overcoming the syndrome, but the structural changes of personality will indicate the different process. A person who went through a war and experienced atrocities will come with significant shifts in his personality.

The intentionality of I does not change personality
If the personality is changing, why, then, is it not easy to change undesirable characteristics like moodiness, impulsiveness, a low threshold for frustration, and shyness? Because the intention or desire to change produces a solitary window and, moreover, this is often "poor" with few resources.

To be sustainable, a personality characteristic needs a housing I core, a platform window, a "neighborhood" all in the memory city in order to be found spontaneously by unconscious phenomena, such as the trigger of memory.

A person is shy or bold not because they’re I determined, but because there are thousands and thousands of scattered windows in the fields of his memory. The impulsive, likewise, has immense window platforms in his cerebral cortex that are easily found and lead to a reaction mode.

Drug addicts

If you are dependent on drugs, you do not become jailed by the chemical drug itself, but by filing the experience it has on you. Over time, the problem is not the psychoactive substance, but the dungeon built in the I, financed by innumerable killer windows that spread this memory.

Dependent people fall easily because, although they have been successful in treatment, they’ve actually just reissued a part of the traumatic windows that contain the representation of the drug. Other unhealthy windows remain "alive", which can occur during a voltage focus and fund a new compulsion.

There is a misconception that dependence on drugs or alcohol will make you dependent for life. This is even one of the propositions of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and many psychiatrists. In theory, it is possible, yes, but be dependent. For this, we need to re-edit all traumatic or killer windows, which is a difficult task because they do not appear during treatment.

While the concept is false (that the addict will always be dependent), it is useful for I always live on alert, because in a crisis, loss or frustration, a memory trigger can find the sick windows that have not been reissued. And in that case, if I do not protect the emotion or manage your thoughts, you may fall and destroy itself again. If I am made aware of the pitfalls of mind and equipped to pilot it, you can, instead of punishing and self-destruct, use a relapse to give a new chance for yourself, be safer and rewrite the windows that have been damaged.

The dream is to build neighborhoods in memory
Using the metaphor of the city, they are the neighborhoods, and not the lonely residences that define and represent the personality characteristics. Most human beings take the characteristics of their psyche that they most hate to the grave. Why not build an agenda to "organize" the neighborhoods of this memory that contain open sewers, poorly lit places, potholed streets, and houses in ruins?

These people do not know that, despite the effective desire for change, they are producing solitary windows, which, when crossing a voltage focus, are inaccessible. Neither I, much less the phenomenon of the memory trigger can give sustainability to the changes they want.

Such people live promising that all will change. They’ll try to be more patient, safe, proactive, generous, affectionate, and self-controlled. Some cry and fall into despair, but they’re still the same. They do not understand that mental maturity does not require us to be heroes, but rather human beings with an intelligent humility, able to recognize our pettiness and immaturity and build a new strategy, a platform of healthy windows, a new "neighborhood" in our memory. Heroism must be buried.

As we study the great challenge of being human is to open as many windows for a particular existential moment to reason with mastery. Unfortunately, however, we found traumatic windows, where we can experience the Closed Circuit Syndrome memory and prevent the I access to millions of data. This syndrome makes us react instinctively, like unreasoning animals, and thus leads us to suffer fits of rage, jealousy, phobias, compulsive, neurotic need for power, control of others, and perfection. What strategy do you use to be the author of your story?

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