The evil of the century: Depression or Syndrome From Accelerated Thinking?

What is the disease of the century? Depression? There is no doubt that depression encompasses a staggering number of people in modern society. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.4 billion people, sooner or later, develop the last stage of human suffering, which corresponds to 20% of the world population. But how we shall see, the Accelerated Thought Syndrome (SPA) probably reaches more than 80% of individuals of all ages, from students to teachers, intellectuals to illiterates, from doctors to patients.

Without realizing it, modern society - consumerist, fast and stressful - changed something that should be inviolable, the pace of construction of thoughts, generating very serious consequences for emotional health, the pleasure of living, development of intelligence, creativity and sustainability of social relations. We get sick collectively. This is a wake-up call.

Recently, I participated in conferences for more than 8,000 educators in two conferences, one national and one
international, it was made a rapid test on the basic symptoms of the SPA.

It was asked participants to be honest and pointed the symptoms they felt, because who is not honest with himself, who does not dare to map, has great chance to be untouchable, to bring their conflicts to the grave. Before, joked saying to smile, because the case was crying ... The result astonished me, since almost all men were deeply anxious and psychological and psychosomatic symptoms resulting from this syndrome. They were smiling and relaxed to realize that they were not alone. They were victims of what I consider to be the true evil of the century.

What we did with the children of humanity?

After my last conference before catching the flight and return to my city, one of the sponsors of the event, owner of a large elementary school, high school and college, with thousands of students, asked me insistently to visit the institution.

I had twenty minutes. Seeing his huge interest, answered the request. Unwilling to only make a formal visit, but make a contribution, I asked to choose some students classes, for which I would speak briefly on certain complex functions of intelligence on the psyche as I manager and how the syndrome Accelerated thought undertakes the overall performance of the intellect. Quickly, teachers and coordinators They organized and decided to enter the third year of high school classes.

I commented to them about the killer or traumatic windows - on which will deal with later - which contain jealousy, shyness, phobias, insecurity and feelings of inadequacy, and whose volume voltage can block thousands of others
windows, preventing I to access data and give intelligent answers in school tests and the trials of life. I said that, throughout history, many geniuses were treated as "mentally handicapped" by teachers who never They studied the theory of memory windows and traps the killer zones in mind backstage.

In speaking to that audience, I know that, all over the world, young people rarely lived the dream of Plato (the pleasure of learning), and (have autonomy, own opinion), to (be the owner of his own destiny), Freud (An ego that lives the pleasure principle to maturity), Viktor Frankl (a human being in search of meaning existential) and my dream (I develop a mature, able to protect the emotion, manage thoughts work and other complex functions of intelligence to learn to be the author's own story).

Teachers complain that students are increasingly agitated, anxious and alienated. But every mind is a safe box; there are no impenetrable minds, but wrong keys. I used the correct key, touched the territory of emotion those students and encouraged him to travel within themselves. There was not a fly as I spoke.

After my brief presentation, I asked them about the symptoms of the SPA that perhaps they experienced. The majority He raised his hand stating feel headache and muscle aches. Was amazing. Almost all also waved positively when asked if they would wake up tired, they felt irritable and intolerant of setbacks, suffered in anticipation, had concentration and memory deficits.

The owner of the school, very sensitive, and the present teachers were stunned. They could not imagine that the quality of life of its students was in the mud. Many were rich, but lived as miserable in the psyche of soil.

Finally, I made the last question. This time it was I who was in a choked voice and teary eyes. I asked who had some type of sleep disorder, and, again, many raised their hands. These young people were in fullness of life, but lived entrenched, waging war in the only place where we have to make an absolute truce: the bed. Sleep is vital to a balanced mind, healthy and productive.

I stopped, looked at the teachers and asked, "What are we doing with the children of humanity." not me restrained. Stated that, although the teachers are the most important business of the company, the system classical education is sick, making sick people to a stressful society, it leads students, the preschool to graduate, to know millions of data about the world we are in, but almost nothing about world that we are the psychic planet.

Classical education rarely teaches students the basic tools to learn from the most early childhood, the ability to filter stressful stimuli, protect emotion, manage your thoughts, think before reacting be resilient and thus base I as a psychic manager and alleviate, at least somewhat, the severe symptoms of Accelerated Thinking Syndrome. Many schools in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia They can train technicians with mastery, but have a huge debt in the formation of thinkers able to develop free minds and healthy emotions.

Unfortunately, in the world, neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists are doing misdiagnosis. To see a young distracted, irritable, restless, with a low threshold for frustration, diagnosed as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder, instead of SPA. The symptoms are similar but the causes and approach are different. This matter will be discussed further.

I mature or immature

We live in the stone age in relation to the roles I like the psyche administrator. How often do bodily hygiene, we bathe? Every 24 hours? And oral hygiene? Every four or six hours? And the mental hygiene? For example, how long we have to intervene when we are overwhelmed by a thought disturbing a self-punishing idea, phobic state? A maximum of five seconds.

Using the metaphor of the theater, our self, which is our ability to choose, must leave the audience enter the stage of the mind and make hygiene quickly and silently as is processing the record in memory harrowing experience. As? Challenging, disagreeing, confronting, as a defense attorney makes a forum to protect the defendant. But our Self is too slow. It's not polite to manage the psyche. He screams in the world out and shut the psychic territory. It is usually the opposite of what it should.

The vast majority of people drive car, but did not learn to drive their own emotions, reactions and thoughts. We live in a superficial and stressful society that every day sells the products and services, but not in teaches to develop an I "manager", mature, intelligent, aware of their fundamental roles. How is your Self?

The psychic prison is captained by psychosomatic illness, depression, discrimination, school violence, difficulty capital transfer of experiences Circuit Syndrome Closed Memory, Accelerated Thought Syndrome, worship celebrities and tyrannical beauty standard. Such prisons are evidence of the crisis management of self.

Often I comment with my graduate students in psychoanalysis and psychology that one of multi-focal nobler tasks and relevant I is to map, scan our ghosts and republish our traumatic windows. Otherwise, we can be part of the list of those who speak on maturity but are true children in the territory emotion, for they know not the least criticized, thwarted and, in addition, have a neurotic need for power and the world gravitate in its orbit.

I once asked the executives of fifty psychologically healthier companies in the country, "Who has some ? Type of insurance. "They all said they had Then I asked:." Who has emotional insurance "Nobody?. He risked raising his hand. They were sincere. How can we speak of healthy companies without mentioning the mechanisms to protect basic emotion? Just make sure what we hold dear. But, unfortunately, the most important property has had an irrelevant value.

In general, these professionals are great for the company, but the executioners themselves. They hit in the trivial, but make a mistake very essentially. And I? you? Although we can say that the human mind is the most complex of all "Companies", the one that can not go bankrupt, it is unfortunately that will more easily bankrupt by oversights inadmissible that we treat. It can not be no man's land and be vulnerable to any stressful stimulus. Your emotion is safe.

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