This Is What We Gift Our Planet! 😴

Hello friends, Unfortunately the ecology of the modern world leaves much to be desired tons of rubbish float in the ocean the environment and soil are badly polluted and global warming is our worst enemy, however, most of the people are too busy with their daily life problems and don't care about but it is also their responsibility to take care of the environment.

Some will probably be angry to hear this statement according to those people they shouldn't do anything for anyone however everything will change when you face the horrible consequences of the irresponsible way we treat our planet today I would like to tell you some incidents about an unusual animal that suffered because of people and became an example of what humans should not do. Let's get it on

To begin with, Let me again explain to you that it is wrong to pollute the planet. There are many acute problems but today we will talk about plastic that pollutes the soil the ocean and seriously harms animals in the 1960s only 1% of household waste was plastic by 2011 the consumption of plastic increased and today represents 12 percent of solid household waste plastic surrounds us everywhere.

Deathless Commodity

We drink from disposable cups brush our teeth with plastic brushes and use plastic bags at all times yes plastic is very comfortable to use and simplifies our lives but have you ever thought about the fact that every cup or bag you use when you throw it away doesn't disappear of course there are companies that work on the recycling of plastic waste but there are very few of them most of the waste goes to landfills and some of it is spread around the world a simple plastic bag takes about 100 years to decompose and for all the 100 years It will be a threat to animal life.
Here are some fact that will blow your mind. According to a 2015 study by Britain’s Ellen McArthur Foundation. That’s equivalent to the average weight of more than 1 billion African bush elephants. Around 90 percent of this plastic will not decompose for at least next hundreds of years.

Unknown Victim

According to scientists if we continue to use plastic inconsequently we soon run the risk of literally drowning in our own waste it is estimated that by 2025 for every three tons of fish the ocean will contain one ton of plastic well by 2050 the amount of garbage will exceed the amount of fish this will have terrible consequences for whales, dolphins, fish, turtles and other creatures that are not to blame for our irresponsibility, however some are already suffering because of us while studying the flora and fauna of the Pacific Ocean the world Society for the Protection of animals found a sea turtle with a very unusual she'll instead of the whole shell that we usually see in these animals this reptile had an unusual shell with the zig zagging structure like if the turtle had a very thin waist when the researchers captured the turtle they discovered that its body was trapped in a plastic ring apparently when the turtle was still small it accidentally got stuck in the plastic ring this is not surprising considering the amount of garbag floating in the ocean, of course,the turtle tried to get rid of the ring but its attempts were unsuccessful years passed the turtle continued to grow and there was no chance of removing the plastic, in addition, the body of the turtle began to mutate in order to survive the animal had to adapt due to the fact that the ring is literally tightening the shell there were changes inside the turtle the hoop at some point began to tighten the digestive system so the organs rearrange themselves so that the turtle could survive it is difficult to imagine the torments caused to the animal by the small piece of plastic for many years the turtle lived with the hoop on its body and had probably already resigned itself to living with this unpleasant piece of garbage of course the researchers removed the plastic and released the turtle but the deformation didn't go away the turtle will always live this way it is terrible to imagine how many creatures suffer because of our garbage without us knowing it most animals unfortunately simply do not survive by the way this turtle is not the only victim in 1993 scientists found a small red eared slider turtle which had also gotten stuck in a plastic ring it was released and transferred to the Missouri City Department of Conservation and is a clear example of how destructive garbages to the world around us and a wildlife the no more trash company made this turtle its symbol but what can we mere mortals do to help in some way and save animals from suffering fortunately.

Let's get rid of it

Today more and more companies are finding ways to recycle plastic waste in addition alternative materials that have a shorter decomposition time are being developed and are capable of replacing plastic however the problem remains acute it is difficult for one person to change something but together we can have a big influence on the level of pollution first of all stop using straws to drink try to buy water in plastic bottles less often and replace them with reusable bottles also buy a cloth bag to visit the store which will allow you to reduce the consumption of plastic bags and save a little money plastic cups and which we buy drinks can also be easily replaced with reusable options instead of lighters use matches and if you have the chance recycle your trash and that's all, will meet you guys with another post.😊

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