The road ahead...

Well, today marks a milestone of such. I have been a member of this community for a WHOPPING MONTH!!! I know, right??? CrAzY tAlK...

But I want to thank YOU, yeah, you, the person who is reading this right now. If it weren't for individuals such as yourself taking the time to enter in the minds and hearts of others in this community, it wouldn't exist and have the chance to flourish.

I wouldn't have the glorious task of attempting to find my voice as blogger and determine what truly interests me; nor would I have been afforded the opportunity to improve a skill that I had long overlooked, which is the ability to convey thoughts and feelings into the written word that would be meaningful, engaging, or entertaining at the least. To show that I can maintain a balanced ego and not be narcissistic.

I LOVE the fact that everyone I follow and everyone that follows me is not from my past. I didn't go to school with any of you. I didn't work with any of you. I didn't date any of you.

I get the pleasure of improving myself and not having the burdening task of re-inventing myself.

I have enjoyed my journey thus far and am optimistically enthusiastic about the future here. I have been fortunate to discover some gems here that otherwise I would have never known about. My follow list is a list of people who have impacted my life forever during the last month.


I wish I could "tag" each and everyone one of you in this post as my small token of appreciation. As I am still a minnow and continuing to learn on a daily basis the etiquette and formalities of this community, I am not sure if that action would be frowned upon. Please do not feel slighted if I did not list your name, that was not the intent. I want to ensure that this does not get flagged as a spammed post due to the importance of the message I wish to convey on this special occasion.

@bigskykilroy @inber @dalerog @dswigle @kayclarity thanks for making it like feel like we are old friends...

@aggroed @thecryptofiend @luzcypher @cryptogee @exyle @stellabelle @gavvet @dwinblood @good-karma @officialfuzzy @samstonehill @everittdmickey @shadowspub @kaylinart Have all been stellar examples of helping others grow by engaging and challenging us to greater heights. They have taught me how to swim even if they don't know who I am or that they have entered my sanctuary that lies between my ears. Leading by example and showing humility in helping their community in such a way that encourages the smallest of micro organisms, that doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons benefits everyone many fold.

I have enjoyed my interactions with everyone here and look forward to the years ahead. Discovering new, kindred spirits is an exciting prospect for me. I am looking forward to following more of you as you spark something inside of me that is starving for the interaction and challenging growth of oneself.

To the fellow minnows, the dolphins and whales that enrich my life on a daily basis...from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU and CHEERS TO YOU

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