Photo credit: destiny images

Students of the various schools need their voices to be heard especially in protecting their rights. Student leaders happen to be voices of students. I am glad that I write today as a former student leader and my experience in student politics made me realize that, about 60% and above of student leaders in Ghana aim at becoming a National Politician.

Many of these student politicians when asked about how they see our national politicians have no plights to the welfare of citizens. Same can be said about most of the youth who ain't student leaders but dreams of leading Ghana one day. These aforementioned people are however willing to defend the politicians even when their actions are indefensible. The Youth and Student Leaders instead of building their capacities and preparing themselves for future leadership will be insulting their colleagues who are affiliated to opponent parties. They are willing to be used as scape goats just to earn favour on the sight of these politicians.

And they are willing to do all these even when their conscience says otherwise because, they believe doing dirty works now for a politician is a preparation for future leadership. To me, it isn't wrong to learn from people ahead of you but in learning the right things and learning from the wrong things. How do you make Ghana better if you continue to learn and repeat the mistakes of our national politicians?

One needs not to be cowed by politicians before he or she can lead. It only takes an anointed oil to be a good leader. Taking inspiration from the Bible ( 1st Kings 1 : 1- 53) which talks about how Solomon, the son of Bathsheba had the Grace of God and anointed oil to be the next king when King David was old. Reading from the scriptures, you will notice that, Adonijah whose mother was Hagith began boasting and declaring himself as a king because he felt many campaigners such as Joab sob of Zeruiah and Abiathar the Priest. He also campaigned so well and thought he deserved to be the next king after David. In all these, David was never worried nor questioned the behavior of Adonijah because David knew it takes grace and oil to lead in Israel.

Ghana could be said to be Israel in my context. If you have been destined to lead Ghana, it wouldn't take campaigning with lies or propaganda. To be a great leader, one needs the 3Ps. Thus , Place , Pure Oil and a Prophet.

As a youth, who dreams of becoming a good leader should be mindful of the places he or she goes, must have pure oil and lastly have a Prophet to be interceding for him or her.

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