Katy Perry, Depression, and our woke society.

If you think Katy Perry is woke, you need to woke the hell up. Thanks.


Anyone who follows Huffington Post, BuzzFeed and the like know that Katy Perry recently aired a 96-hour live stream. Yes, four days of Katy Perry.... She has a new album out and that is a great way to promote herself in the digital age of social media. So what is the biggest issue I find in all of this? The part of her live stream in which she had a therapy session in order to show her fans (and the world) her battle with depression and suicidal thoughts.

I have been diagnosed with 'major depression' and anxiety. Similar to Perry I would say I am open and honest about my struggles with depression (being lethargic, suicidal thoughts, etc.) and the panic attacks from my anxiety that are exhausting and debilitating. However, what goes on in my therapy sessions are between me and my doctor. There are patient/doctor confidentiality laws for a reason and I think any therapist worth a shit wouldn't agree to a live streamed session with his or her patient. By airing this usually very private interaction Katy took something sacred away from what therapy sessions are all about. These sessions are a safe place for a person to feel protected from the judgement of the rest of the world and Perry just invites the whole world for a look inside.

In no way am I saying Katy Perry does not have depression that she battles everyday. But what I am implying is that she ruined what little privacy she did have and ruin the safe space she created for herself to work on depression and thoughts of suicide. I am completely disappointed in her, and I am even more upset with those who say she is a warrior for putting herself out there and making mental illness non-taboo.

How can anyone actually say she is making the world a less judgmental place for people with mental illness? To those people I say, wake the fuck up! Her new album, Witness was released last Thursday and so she decides to open her world up this past weekend to the rest of us because she wants to empower us? No, she wants us to buy her bandwagon third wave feminist lack luster album.

I am a disappointed fan to say the least.

Do you think Perry is exploiting her depression for record sales? Let me know in the comments and we can have a thoughtful discussion.

I love my Steemit community and I am forever grateful for everyone on here. Much Love.



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