#7 Struggles of coming from a third world into the first world

Dear steemit friends, having to leave home, family and friends is not the only difficult part about moving to a different country, there are lots of other struggles in day to day life as well. This blog is dedicated to all of those struggles of moving to a first world country.

My struggle began with the language here, "Dutch". I come from Nepal, so I have my own language and script which is totally different to Dutch. But since I am not that bad in English, i thought that learning Dutch will not be that difficult. BOY WAS I WRONG.

After having lived in Holland for a year and a half, I have managed to understand enough Dutch to watch the cheesy soaps in tv but inetracting with people still makes me feel like a really stupid person. There are different provinces in Holland and each province has a different dialect. Within each province, there are different cities and villages and they too have their distinct dialects. So you can imagine that my understanding of thelanguage is pretty limited.

Despite the gazillion dialects, people here can immediately tell if you are a foreigner speaking Dutch. And they immediately switch to english, which is fine if you do not ever want to learn the language here. But I have been trying really really hard to learn the language here, so it got me really frustrated when people did this to me. But, it is still better than when you tell people that you are not really good in the language and they start talking to you as fast as Eminem does while rapping. 

So, if you ever decide to learn Dutch, or move to Holland, get here with a lot of patience when it comes to languages. Especially because there are more exceptions than rules when it comes to their grammar. 

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