What can you do when you have no control in anything that happens around you?

The past few months have just been reminder after reminder that I have no control over anything in life.

Why? Because money.. Everything in the end just boils down to not having the money to DO anything meaningful.

This posts stems from the stresses of finding another car after the last one was written off after a crash.

Now it's not all doom and gloom, A surpise bit of good news is that the insurance payed out about £1000 more in value than what we had payed for the car, so we made a profit on the crash in a sense.

This however still only leaves us with about £4000 for a replacement car.. which is in that painful price point of.. something way to old or something way to high mileage..

Double the budget and it doesn't improve all that much.... It's also help if we'd go for anything and everything but most of the cars for sale on the sencond hand market are outragiously overpriced for what they are.

We're talking 2010 cars with 100k miles for £4000... completely unacceptable. We found a few 2015s but the mileage jumps another 70k miles.

We're also not compromising on spec.. because why buy a car if you absolutely hate driving it. If we was going to compromise we'd just spend £600 on a banger and run it into the ground.

It's a absolute pain in the arse.

Then you also have to contend with the insane amount of fake and scam ads and listings everywhere.

Can't imagine what it's like for these people who can just go out and be like. I want that and buy it. Must be nice..


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