Story of the day: I went in between a fight at Central Station Amsterdam

Welcome to the story of the day!

Not a "good" story but a strong story which reminds us of how important it is to help others.

I was doing my usual thing. Telling a singing a poem and giving the people a good time. It was where Tram 5 and the others are located where I saw 5 to 7 young adults with leather jackets and darkish skin attacking a man. The man wore a normal outfit of a student or professor of social science if you know what I mean.

He was on the ground and a boy was going to his head with his fist so I started the SuperMarty action. I ran towards them and was around 20 meters away. None of the bystanders did anything so I screamed as loud as I could "are you crazy??" and when I was only 2 meters away from the guy who was beating the man and ready to kick his head to the moon the guy ran away. 

Now another guy came from the side, I didn't see him, and tackled me to the ground. I landed soft and immediately got up again, his friends ready to punch me but they were still thinking.

I screamed at the man who was standing up in the meantime to run in the other direction, what he did.

I ran in the opposite direction to the man and was happy that the group did not follow me.

That's me. Marty the miracle. Always helping where I can and I am proud about it. When I had to defend myself last time it did not end well. Nobody helped me, as nobody would have helped the man on the ground today. But outstanding and brave people are out there. I am the best example.

Be strong and when you see that a man is on the ground and gets hit in the face it is time to go in between.

I was high on adrenaline and my heart pumped when I was back at the Tram stop 20 meters away from the battlefield. Before I intervened I was singing a song so I decided to continue with work and only could imagine what the person who heard the song was thinking about my pumped up self.

I soon told him and later told it many more people. I made some money with it and now I am going to make some money with it here. Steem on..

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