We have no idea how much we rely on anything until it is gone!


We have no idea how much we rely on anything until it is gone!

Comes other ramifications, as I wanted to buy some more steem tonight, and it has taken me all last night just to get 1 email address back, so now I have to sort bittrex and coinbase also, this is my point in totality, we rely on the devices we use, more than on our own capacity to remember now.

In years gone by, I could reel of every person that I knew of - telephone numbers, heck I can still remember my step fathers car registration from 1978, yet now I rely more and more on the supposed superior technology to hand, and everything needs a fecking password, if I use one for all and get hacked by 1 hacker, I am done for, get creative and make 100 different passwords and be fecked if I can remember them, so you leave it to the pc, you know, that trusty bit of made somewhere in a sweat shop, in a land far away from where you live, bit of hardware destined to go wrong, and leave you with 1 billion damn passwords to try to remember.

Now I know already from this fragile society we live in that I have "offended" someone, tough, I am all out of niceties if you are so fragile. and that in part is half to 3/4 of my problem with steemit, that it mirrors society, say 1 thing someone does not like and they are gone forever, good, be gone, you are not welcome here, not now, not ever, if you have zero capacity to argue a point, to stand a ground, whether right or wrong, you have zero moral fiber, and rely on other peoples written words to comfort you, enjoy the solitude, you will make more time for you, as nobody will want to know you anyway, if that is "you" Hey I just gave you a wake up call!.

The saying goes if you have made no enemies in life you have not lived, it's true, it is also true that if you have not made someone think about life, you have not said anything worthy of note!

Honestly I would comedy open mic this, if they were not so anal on rules, you must do this, you must do that (no way) I get enough of that from supposed authorities with guns, without you lot saying it.


Beautiful planet, with beautiful people!

Ha I held back on swearing and feel better for not doing it, my point is as is, there is little point in falling out with people, and even less point with taking offense over a single thing, it is childish in the extreme, are we 3? is everyone on here made of butter? (maybe) GROW A PAIR!

I am starting to think steemit is going to be more a haejin type of thing, just have multi accounts and upvote your other account, as so many people on here never really talk to each other, they just upvote and go, You can visit other peoples blogs, articles or comment on their blogs daily, yet they will rarely return the favor, so is it a social site? The jury is out, and hey I have no time to decide, I will leave it to my alt self at the end "the judge".

I will leave you with a funny story, I have no idea why, other than I do not want to think about anything else tonight, as I am restoring one of my motorbikes in the pm.

Whilst listening to the radio at 11 years old, there was a call for people to come and help put out a fire on parkland, as kids, in the summer holidays, we felt no fear and responded to the call, my 1 year older than me sister, and some friends. On the way back from beating the tiny flames down in the short grass with rags, we came upon a pile of cow manure dumped by a farmer, my sister thought it would be a good idea to jump over it, she tripped and fell face first in it, we laughed at her all the way home whilst holding our noses, like any news, it got old two days later, yet you know, just for fun, 40 years later I can still say "hey stinky" and the smile she gives me, says "Hey you, I felt bad at the time, I let it go now!


Verdict = Take a lesson from my older sister!

Images CC0 pixabay.

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