Wrecking Ball Winter Wednesday or Gift of Nature?

I have this odd urge to sing the blues. This is unlike me, but here's the thing: my husband is sick in bed, two of my kids are on a two-hour delay, I had to cancel a second workout this week due to that delay, and my homeschooler is hungry but has grumbled about his food choices. When he doesn't eat, the world pays. Pretty sure "hangry" was coined at his birth.

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Look, I drank a cup of coffee. I ate breakfast. I have the kids dressed and mostly fed. What I want right now is to climb back in bed because the sleep I got was good but not quite enough. Even the coffee isn't touching my sleepy eyes. And maybe I will sleep. Even though this day seems like a wrecking ball has already come through it, I have some choices.

I could complain and sing those off-key blues, or I could embrace the chaos. I love hugs. I choose to embrace.

The benefits of this include extra hours of amusement by my kiddos. My five-year-old is playing with LOL dolls, and it's freaking adorable. She is also wearing a cat ear headband and is prone to dancing with joy for every. little. thing. Her dances are the cutest. As I type, I'm listening to her talk to her dolls. She is incredibly creative and engaged. Because she does school full time and school leaves her tired, I don't get to enjoy her quite as much as I'd like.

There are many upsides to the wrecking ball of Winter roads. Sure, I may not get all my work goals completed today, and my night off may be postponed due to Nathan being ill, but overall I think more good will come from a rest day than bad.

Truly, I am looking forward to that nap.

What's on your calendar for today?

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