Everything that it is necessary to know about Hellenism

European civilization left from ancient Roman – all this is known. Rome has picked up at Ancient Greece, sucked the ideas as are modern the Chinese. A conclusion – to be competent dear person, it is necessary to understand culture sources, Ellinistika. The stupid word derivative of the ancient name of Greece – Hellas.
Gods were the most important characters, on pickup they had any demigods and heroes. Demigods were born from copulation of gods with what - has got, on light any monsters, naiads, dryads were born – to gods they were uninteresting. It as to you to podrochit and wipe. Heroes appeared after normal such sex with people, they were favourite toys of gods because the custom bagatelle is always more expensive. Would tell "handwork", but not manual – other body makes heroes. About! Gods and younger gods. In general the special breed, is born only as a result of divine sex. Not on feelings, and on the list of participants
Why there is so much attention in article to sex? The first reason – to fill the world everyone reasonable for a mutatenye, it was necessary to trakhatsya much and variously with everything that moves or just lies having pretended to be rags. The second reason – lewd nature of the author of a post.
Before appearance of gods people happened in the most simple way because were tired at work. Later the standard position has been called missionary. It when Christian missionaries have undertaken to force out memory and faith in such cool and interesting gods and other heroes from the heads of poor people. And gods were such inventors!
Zeus is the main walker of the hostel. I have managed to give the Golden Shower to Danayu so that it has given birth to Perseus. Now this way kind of takes place, but nobody has flown …
Perseus has gone to the father. He has guessed to cover with a bag the head of the ugly girlfriend. And then I have gone further – the head in sex not the main thing at all …
But nobody fell short of Zeus in respect of ingenuity. His future wife Hera long didn't give to Zeus. That has pretended to be a wounded cuckoo, has pressed on pity when Hera has taken a birdie in hand, he has immediately returned to usual shape and vylyubit Hera. Then the proverb "better a titmouse in hands, than a cuckoo in an ass" was born.
"Normal subject!" - Zeus has thought and having turned into a swan, has trampled on Leda.
And then it was thrown in an eagle and I trakhnut Ganymede. Achtung! – you will tell. And I There through one akhtung were.
Hera … having become the wife, she has begun to snoshat brains to Zeus with all divine force. Zasnoshal is absent вусмерть, and analginum – haven't invented - with! He calls the son and who at us the son? The smith, Hephaestus, I would tell. "To the sonny, your mummy has absolutely got me – hrenakn please ground to me in turnip!" And Hephaestus is a smith, he doesn't understand metaphors: in a tower, from a head instead of brains Athena has taken off. This way of conception was very much fallen in love to married women since then – they snoshat brains to us more often than we are them. But without conception – because not gods.
And Athena was a tselka in an armor. That is she had an any sexual experience … Hephaestus has asked Zeus to give him in the wife Athena, well the father also has agreed (the native son). Moreover I have advised to connect more strong that wasn't obstinate, and it is better to hold down a chain. But too it is a pity for the daughter – he has advised Athena to be protected. Shorter instead of normal sex BDSM has turned out. Hephaestus has terminated, but in her, and on a leg to Athena. That was wiped by a skin and has thrown out a skin. And again something was born …
And once Zeus about … a ball summer. How could he so in Greece where the summer half a year lasts? Here in Surgut it is easy – I have helped with wineache qualitatively, then I have woken up, and speak to you – I have overslept summer! When? Yesterday was, so far you thumped. I have distracted – Zeus about … The summer, Summer has given birth to Apollon and Artemis. I didn't smell – the epos such.
Artemis has practically caused a stir in nothing. Angry I was as a bough. It Trakhatsya with Orion, the ordinary hunter. Well as usual – usual have no goddesses. This was outstanding. Well also it doprygatsya – I have undertaken to compete with the mistress who more abruptly. Orion has appeared more abruptly, for as has been killed by suchky Artemis. By the way, only she (if I am not mistaken) in Hellas could make loss of human life? Do all of you still think that your blessed bitches? Yes they are angels by the standards of Ancient Greece!
Apollon Trakhal of all without analysis, as his father. But I have given rise to nothing outstanding.
Ares and Aphrodite were a summary brother and the sister on the father therefore him nobody forbade to marry. Children have turned out on joy to all: Erot (love), Anteros (passion, hatred), Pofos (god of love melancholy), Phobos (fear), Deymos (horror) and Harmony and also Gimeros.

We have passed zoophilia, there is a love three together further (well and zoophilia). The wife of the tsar of Crete by the name of Minos has invented this miracle of Pasifaya. And kuda to disappear – she is a daughter of god Helios, it is better for husband not to deratsya. Therefore when she has wanted to have the bull sent by Poseidon, the husband has organized the working model of a cow with the wife as an insert. Pasifiya spoke to the husband: "To a coma you are jealous me? He is a stupid muscleman, an animal with brains of a bull. I love only you" When the sonny with the head of "the stupid muscleman and a bull" to Minos was born it was necessary to recognize him as the son – against the father-in-law you won't trample.
Well and for the end Priap, he is Pang – god of fertility. Wonderfully I trakhat all live a feminine gender the huge device. Surprisingly the fact that nobody was against. This god was so loved by Greeks and Romans of both sexes that Christians saw in is mute the main enemy and have renamed into the Satan. Horns, hoofs, shaggy legs and a heroic elda didn't confuse ancient at all, but for Christians are the main proof of antinaturalness of a being – as customs have changed …

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